<p>I am a white female from a competitive public high school in Massachusetts</p>
weighted: 4.63 (my school doesn't do rank, but the top 3% of my class has 4.5 to 5.0)
unweighted: 4.0</p>
M 760
CR 760
W 700 (i'm retaking to bring this up)
Math I - 750
Bio - 750
History - 780
Spanish - 680</p>
<p>Classes - all As in honors classes every year
Junior year - AP US History (waiting for score)
Senior year - AP Bio, AP Psych, AP English, AP Probability/Statistics</p>
i was in my school's community service organization for two years
i will be in my school's peer leadership organization for three years (goes to elementary schools to teach kids about peer pressure in the high school)
i will be on the SADD board next year and i have been a part of SADD for three years
i volunteer at a local animal shelter every week
i have captained three relay for life teams
i have also participated on my school's environmental team and i will be on the literary magazine's staff for four years. i am also a part of a group that welcomes new students to the area and gets them involved in the community through community service and other activities (we raised money for katrina relief this year)</p>
National Spanish Honor Soceity
National Spanish Exam awards (nothing spectacular)
History award at my school my freshman year</p>
<p>I'm interested in Bowdoin, Tufts, Haverford, Bates, BC, Middlebury, Connecticut College, Carleton, and maybe Dartmouth as a pretty big reach. I'd appreciate some feedback as to my chances since I am kind of lost in the whole college thing since I know I can't really get into an ivy but I am not sure where to look.</p>
<p>I think you have GREAT stats!
GPA over the top!
SAT, too!</p>
<p>Spanish might be low considering foreign lang SAT II gets BIG curves. (but you don't have to put that on the app ;) </p>
<p>Maybe taking only 5 APs might hurt you... cuz you can get high GPA by not taking so many APs. But unless your school offers like 20 APs, I don't think it matters.</p>
<p>No offense, but your ECs need more work. Nothing that JUMPS out sounds like typical smart and involoved student. National Spanish Exam awards CAN be something good, but might not be the best idea to put SAT II score with that.</p>
<p>I think you have great chances at all of those schools. Ivies are reaches for everyone, but I think you are likely to get into Dartmouth if you get good recs.</p>
<p>yeah, my ECs are definitely my weak point.
i took the spanish sat II mostly because some school let you test out of language requirements. should i try to retake them?</p>
<p>you are a great candidate and i love your list of schools (i looked at all of those too back in the day), but while you will most likely get into bc, conn, and bates, you need one absolutely sure safety.</p>
<p>thanks. i am not sure about an absolute safety - i was thinking trinity, but i don't particularly think i'm totally in there. i definitely don't want umass (not my type of school), but i am worried i don't have any good safeties - any suggestions?</p>
<p>Maybe Colby or Haverford.</p>
<p>any other suggestions?</p>
<p>if you don't consider yourself to be ivy material, then perhaps you should reconsider applying to bowdoin, middlebury, carleton, or haverford, as well. i'm sick of people degrading the quality of the top LACs just because they don't have the "harvard" name.</p>