Not sending offical SAT Subject test (SAT 2) score report

Should I send my official SAT 2 Japanese test to the UC’s? Or can I just only self report?
My SAT reasoning test scores were pretty bad so I do not want to send my SAT 2 along with the rest. (I decided to send my decent ACT)

Will not sending in the official SAT 2 report even if you self reported on the application affect my admission to the UC’s?
Should I just delete my scores from the application?

If you do not plan to send your SAT 2 scores to the UC’s, then do not self report. What you report on your application has to be confirmed by sending in the official reports.

Subject tests are optional for the UCs. You do not need to report. If you do report Subject tests on your application., then you will be required to submit the official score report if you are accepted.