Not Submitting An SATII Score?

<p>Recently, I took the SATII Lit, and while my score wasn't perfect, it wasn't abysmal either. Anyways, I had previously submitted all my SAT scores (SATI and 3 SATIIs) before I took the Lit test to a few colleges. I was wondering if I have to report the SATII Lit score to those colleges, or if it would be okay if I don't. Opinions on this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>u dont have to if u dont want to. but anyways wut did u get on it if u dont mind.</p>

<p>i wouldn't report the score if it'll hurt you. it would depend on the school, but it's really doubtful that the school would check to see if there were any scores their students DIDN'T report haha.</p>

<p>I'd call them and find out...just be sure and remain anonymous!</p>

<p>The Collegeboard will report ALL SAT tests once they are scored. You can't pick and choose which test goes to which college. So if you take any more tests, or request the Collegeboard send any test results to colleges, the colleges will see the Lit test result.</p>

<p>is that true regarding the ap tests as well??!?</p>


The Collegeboard will report ALL SAT tests once they are scored. You can't pick and choose which test goes to which college. So if you take any more tests, or request the Collegeboard send any test results to colleges, the colleges will see the Lit test result.


<p>I don't think you understood what I was saying. I had my scores sent to certain colleges before I took my Lit test, and I never sent an updated version of my scores to those colleges after I took Lit. Thus, they have all my scores except for Lit, and technically, I don't think it's required that I send in my scores again? Basically, I'm asking if I do have to send the new one with Lit on it. I'm not "picking and choosing", I'm just asking if I have to send in an updated score report with a score that would be disadvantageous to me in the application process when they already have more than the required test scores (SATI and three SATIIs).</p>

<p>Oh, and as for AP test scores, I believe you can request certain scores not to be sent to colleges. That's why AP test scores are always self-reported, and colleges only require the official scores when you've been accepted.</p>

<p>No, you do not have to send the new report with the lower Lit score . But be aware, that during the application process, if a college says they didn't get your SAT scores, even if your records show they were sent [this happened to my son 3 times last year, some admissions offices are notorious for losing transcripts, letters of recommendations, etc.], the collegeboard will send out all your test scores to any college requesting scores .<br>
On the day you take your AP test you can be selective about which colleges will mailed your Ap result. But after you have received your AP test results from the collegeboard, any request to send an AP score will result in all AP scores being sent. So, let's say you took AP tests in your Sophmore and Jr years, and you now realize you want to apply to college A, but did not include them on your original AP request forms when you took the tests. If you now request that college A be sent an AP score, then all your AP scores will be sent to them. Hope that's clearer.</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification, menloparkmom. :] So say if a college to whom I did not report my Lit score to was to say that they didn't receive my SAT scores and I had to have them sent again, would I have to notify the admissions office that I had previously left out the Lit score on my app? (This is assuming that I turn in my app before they notify me of the scores issue)</p>

<p>It wouldn't be you notifying them, but College Board would simply send ALL of your SAT I and II scores if they requested any of your scores again.</p>

<p>It would be risky either way...</p>

<p>Anyhow, I thought that colleges only consider the top (number required) of your SAT II scores as part of admissions.</p>

<p>I looked at your stats in another post of yours, and are you talking about your 750 Lit score? If so, why are you even worrying about it? You have 3 other great scores already, and a 750 Lit isn't going to kill you at all.</p>

<p> -_-</p>

<p>a 750 lit score and you're worrying about, get a life</p>