hi guys
I’m new here.I’m an international student and I’m a little worried about my ECs.
I would be really happy if you can tell me whether they sound impressive to you or not.(I am planning to apply to top colleges).Oh by the way I will be changing some details.Thanks here they are:
-founder/president of entrepreneurship club
organized several event/conferences/raised money exc.
several awards positions
-gymnastics no major awards
-intern at a hospital
-some volunteer work
-folk dance/theater
-and last but not least belly dance instructor (don’t laugh i have a certificate )
It’s not just about being impressive. It’s also about how committed you are.
For example, if you have lots of activities but did less than one year, it would be a laundry list.
On the other hand, ifyou have only a few activities that you spent quite a lot of time, it would be definitely worth mentioning it.
Yes, focus on your lengthiest ECs in which you’ve done something special.( For example, show what the entrepreneurship club accomplished. Results are always welcome in ECs.) In general, American universities are aware that in many nations students don’t have the kinds of opportunities that are available in the US; work also counts as an EC, if the student needs to help out in the family.