This one is about CASUAL dress schools - what do girls actually need for dressier clothes? All my forum searches bring up formal dress schools, and usually culminate in a multi-page discourse on ties, blazers, and laundry. Not super helpful for D.
D and I are not shoppers, and generally not into fashion, trendy brands, or popular styles. She wears plain, solid color tees & sweaters, no logos, shirts WITH shoulders, no ripped jeans. The couple of sundresses she owns are simple, classic lines, and she wears them with flip flops or sandals. Up until now, this has been fine for spring sports award banquets or music recitals.
We know she needs some dressier items, like on Day 1 for Convocation. Presumably, there will be other events like this, and she has nothing suitable for fall/winter (northeast school). How many dresses does she really need? I was thinking 2-3 total, with at least one long sleeve for winter. Will sleeveless dresses be okay paired with a cardigan, knit tights, and dressy boots? Do girls wear that kind of combo for dress-up school events? What about shoes - ballet flats? boots? Do you recommend more than 3 dresses? Does she need at least 1 formal dress as a freshman?
And where should we shop? We’ve been lightly shopping all summer, with no success. We spent 3 hours in Marshall’s last weekend; she left with one summer dress and one grey tee. She’s… picky. We’re in a rural area, not too many options for stores. Do you recommend the mall department stores, which we’ve always found to be flooded with impractical, trendy stuff? Or should I order up a storm from Amazon where we’ve found dozens of classic knit dresses? Do I need to spend $$$$ on the higher-end stores that cater to business women?
I should also mention that she’s all set for pretty much everything else at this point (everyday clothes, outerwear, classroom supplies, electronics). It’s just the dressy stuff still on our list.