not typical asian


<p>Chinese Canadian
SAT I 1490/1600 or 2190/2400
verbal 750 math 740 writing 700
SAT II scores out dec 21
not the "typical Asian, no piano, no tennis, no violin, and my math sucks</p>

<p>IB DP student in shanghai,China
been to 7 schools in Canada, Hong kong, Shanghai and Guangzhou</p>

<p>Outstanding awards: Best delegate MUN Nationals (China)</p>

<p>Ecs: teaching hip -hop, swimming, newspaper editor, volunteering, flower arrangement, etc
Work: translating, teaching chinese</p>

<p>possible majors: Economics</p>

<p>Don't even bother applying.
If ur not a typical asian, u won't get in-!
Nice question though.</p>

<p>i am assuming that you're being sarcastic...</p>

<p>It is hard to tell without knowing your GPA and ranking in school, though your test scores are excellent.</p>