<p>ok, so i goofed around in high school and now have a measly 2.8gpa, im getting straight A's Sr. year, and hope to get it higher, my sat's are decent but not great, 620m, 540V,540W....I do have many ec's which include community service, youth football coach, and a tutor plus many more,...i play 3 varsity sports year round.....Im an in state resident at mass, and of pakistani decent and a solid essay and two amzing recs.....CHANCES AT...</p>
U of Vermont
U of New Hampshire
Stonehill (football)
Union (football)
BU-CGS(college of general studies)
Penn St</p>
u-vermont-probably in
unh- might be hard
Ithaca- If you have football, then you have a better chance. Otherwise, your stats seem a little lacking
Stonehill- in
Union- tough school. hopefully football will help
BU-CGS- no clue
hofstra- in
penn st- its a toss up</p>
<p>Just out of curiosity, did u qualify for the MCAS scholarship? Since the minimum GPA for state school in MA is 2.0, you are definitely in at umass amherst. I'm mainly curious because I live in MA as well.</p>
<p>I believe I did, I got advanced on math and profecient in writing...the letter that came with it said I would be eligible to receive a scholarship if i went to a state school................any other thought anyone</p>
<p>I completed research at Hofstra with one of the professors, and it was an incredible experience. I don't know how their other fields are, but the science program offered their is not too bad at all judging from my own experience.</p>
<p>I doubt it for Penn State...I applied 6 years ago with a 2.9 (UW), 1120 SAT, a good essay, and god knows what else...it was 6 years ago! I also had the upward trend with all A's my senior year...</p>
<p>The verdict...rejected from Main and got into branch campuses...</p>
<p>The way college admits are going these days I doubt you'll get into Penn State Main...but I also hear they like to dump most of the in-state people to branch to attract out of state people....so give it a try but don't expect much...</p>