Not your typical CC'er.../Chance?

<p>XU2011…If I knew why, I probably wouldn’t be here asking for advice and people to chance me. AP and Honors courses at my school (like most schools) are weighted differently and since I get A’s in my classes, I get a nice boost on my GPA. Idk what happened with my SAT, I guess I choked. I’m retaking in October and aiming for nothing less than an 1800.</p>

<p>Take the ACT in September! It’s a different style, measuring what you know. It has a science section which you can hopefully ace. It can’t hurt (except for costing money and time… but could easily pay back with a higher score).</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s grade inflation as well. There are a multitude of reasons and examples of high-achieving students who do sub-par on standardized tests.</p>

<p>Owleyedglasses I wish you the best of luck in getting into one of those nursing programs. Don’t let the students on this site intimidate you. They merely represent the top percent of students in the nation (mainly due to motivation and natural smarts). You don’t have to necessarily be part of that group of students to succeed. I’m not familiar with those schools, but I’m sure if you re-take the SAT or take the ACT, you’ll score higher, and have even greater chances at getting into those schools. Don’t worry about what all your other family members are doing. If nursing is what you want to do, go for it! If you’re coming from anything like my stereotypical Filipino family, I’m sure they’ll support you in your decision. Best of wishes my kaibigan! =D</p>

<p>I’d really recommend taking the ACT as well–it’s not “easier” per se, but it’s a much better “fit” for some students (like me). Good luck! :slight_smile: Being male may help in getting into some nursing programs.</p>