<p>I'm currently a rising senior in college, and have recently found out that I've pretty much been rejected to every internship/job I applied to for the summer. It's a little devastating to my ego and all, but I was wondering how bad a jobless/internship-less summer would be on my resume.
I was never an incredibly strong student as my gpa is a 3.1 at the moment (My major gpa is a 3.5 however - which isn't too bad right?). I've had some pretty good internships, my best one being an internship at a foreign country's mission to the U.N. Along with some leadership positions in clubs, I can't say my resume is the worst thing out there. After being rejected by everything, I was thinking of spending this summer doing things like working out and studying for the foreign service test (a dream job of mine).
I am still, however pretty worried about getting nothing this summer, and am even more worried about my job prospects (The foreign service would be nice if i can make it, but I can't really count on it since it's so difficult to get in) after graduation given our recession and all. So I guess the real question goes right back to my title, is it really a big deal if I have nothing for my junior year summer? Thanks for reading through that if you did :)</p>
<p>Just keep trying, but hopefully employers will be a little understanding of how hard it is for college students to get jobs. It’s hard enough if you’re just out of school and you have a degree to your name, not to mention still being in school and only having an availability of about 3-4 months. I’m having the exact same problem, and while I feel guilty because I’m just sitting around doing nothing it really has been that hard finding a job.</p>
<p>Volunteering helps. Even just telling your employer about studying for that test might help. But if you’ve kept yourself busy for this long and have all of these great experiences, I wouldn’t think a 3 month gap during a summer in a time when finding jobs can practically be considered wishful thinking is going to kill your chances at your dream job. You could also maybe take a summer class, if there’s anything to take. If you have the extra money saved up in student funds maybe you can even take a class for fun. </p>
<p>You’re not alone, though, so don’t feel too bad. It’s hard for everyone right now. At least you have an excuse- you’re in college, just trying to be a student. It’s not you’re fault you’ll be gone again in a few months.</p>
<p>Try and look at internships and jobs for this winter. I’ve seen some places who offer those during the winter months, so if you can get a head start on that it could make your year look a little more brighter.</p>
<p>Thanks for the kind words October… it really has been tough hasn’t it? Getting a job during the winter time is easier from what i hear. Anywho I’ve definitely been trying, and we’ll see what happens with the whole job situation, but yeah I’m definitely prepared to not be able to do anything lol.</p>
<p>You should at least find a way to make some money, in my opinion, even if it isn’t in your major/career field.</p>
<p>I didn’t do a damned thing the summers between my high school years.</p>
<p>It’s the summers between your college years that really matter.</p>
<p>Enjoy yourself while you still can.</p>
<p>kwu: OP is a rising senior in college currently.</p>
<p>It just sucks out there. Anything I actually do find starts at about minimum wage and only 10-15 hours a week or so :(</p>
<p>I agree that you should still keep trying. At the very least you should be trying to find some kind of work even if it is not in your field. if that is not possible, volunteering will always be better than nothing. Taking a class at the local CC can be fun as well as augmenting some skills.</p>
<p>Yeah, just an update, I’ve been trying so hard to find a job, but eventually i got something with a movie theater. I guess I’m just going to work as much as I can on that job despite it having nothing to do with career etc. Hey at least I’ll make some cash and work experience is always good. It’s been tough this recession, but just stick with it and eventually you’re bound to get lucky like I did.</p>
<p>How did you get your job, stint with the movie theater?</p>
<p>I’ve been trying to get a job everywhere. It’s been really difficult.</p>
<p>I’ve considered pestering these places, but then I remember minimum wage jobs, and I feel like I’m doing something wrong or something is wrong with me.</p>