<p>I am a freshaman in HS...competative XC runner....it's too early for me to consider contacting coaches at colleges..but I am a planner. I love ND and Northwestern...if I run sub 19:00 5k (conservative goal sub 18:30), and maintain good grades (I'm in honors and on AP/IB track) and hopefully good test scores...can I be considered for athletic scholarships at these schools...and what would they be....I have no idea what I could expect financially....I guess it depends on the recruiting pool that year but I am just looking at ballparks....both schools are on the expensive side.</p>
<p>Probably need to run sub 18 5K to get full scholie consideration.</p>
<p>of course for a full scholarship I would need to run a sub 18:00 but surely they offer partials to athletes as well. Not all the girls on the roster are consistently running a sub 18:00. My family is not wealthy but, we will likely not qualify for too much “need” based aid. I really want to run in college and I really, really want to go to Notre Dame!!<br>
What is the average scholarship amount for women on the XC team? This may be a silly question but are all the girls on the roster receiving at least some kind of athletic scholarship?</p>