<p>Hi my name is Scott and I will be a freshman Music Comp. major at the SUNY Fredonia SoM next fall. I would like to write this because I think I had a very unique experience when it came to applying to Schools for Music, and would like to share advice on the (I feel) plethora of mistakes I made when applying for school. A lot of these things may not be problems for many people, but I know there a lots of students just like me who are caught in that fine line when it comes to college of being a contemporary and classical musician.</p>
<p>1) Take Lessons! - This is a gimme right? Not for me. I am so far a 100% self taught musician. What I wish is that I wasn't so arrogant to think that I could get into the elite schools on just my own knowledge. But because I play several instruments on the college level (voice, guitar, upright bass in addition to composition) I was always afraid to "put my eggs in one basket." I would much rather have been good at 4 instruments than great at one. In hindsight, I would have gotten lessons on at least one of those instruments just simply so that I could prepare for the auditions which brings me to point number 2...</p>
<p>2) Prepare like hell for your auditions!!! - I know for most (not dumb) people who are unlike me, this is again, a given. But I choose instead of preparing religiously several audition pieces, I remained indecisive not only about music, but which instrument I was actually going to audition on. Although I had made all-state for voice, I did not feel confident as a singer like I did as a guitarist or even a double bass jazz player. But because of the pressure from my parents, teachers and everyone who knew something about "respectable" music, I decided, and this I will never forget, on November 29th, to be a voice auditionee.</p>
<p>3) Get your pre-screening tapes in and done well! - For those of you that know, IU School of Music has a Dec. 1st pre screening tape deadline for voice majors. I started learning my music the 30th, crammed it, and then recorded it in my freinds studio, despite having a sore throat that night. Needless to say, the tape was absolutly awful. This once again goes back to me being a crazy, often disorganized person, but there is no reason for anyone to have to cram like that so be sure to pay close attention to those deadlines as well!</p>
<p>4) Listen to yourself in the end. - I know there are a lot of parents on here who are seeking advice to try and help their kids. As if applying to college itself wasnt enough stress, we all feel the need to throw in this extra process which is (in my opinion) the most rigorous that any student can go through. I am not saying that the parents should not have an opinion, and especially not saying that their opinion is not valuable, but as was in my case, my own opinion on many issues was not respected. My parents absolutly refused to allow me to apply to schools for anything other than a BM of Music, and then change my major later. This was a problem because far and away my best talent in music is composition, and it was not until I went behind their backs and applied to comp programs at Fredonia, Crane and UMass that I finally got the results I was looking for. I was offered a full scholarship to study Music Comp. at Fredonia and I decided that free is free! Another is where to apply to school. I refused, point blank, to apply to conservatories or strictly school of musics. I have a strong desire to double major in the future in a feild outside music, but once again I limited myself before I knew all of my options. People told me that I was a Berklee type of kid, but I did not apply to the school for fear of what I would do with all that debt and no job security after graduation. </p>
<p>These are a few things that I experienced during my college application process. Again, things did work out for me, I will be happy at Fredonia, and my Comp. Professor is leaving to teach at Michigan next year and already has strongly urged me to think about transferring with him. I hope that everyone can take this to help them as they go about this rediculous process of applying to schools!</p>