NSC - Did anyone attend the Prof Schools meeting?

<p>Our campus tour went long and we missed the Professional Schools meeting. My DS is interested in medical school. We went up and grabbed the handout from the premed student organization and some other group (only for low-income students).</p>

<p>Did anyone attend and learn anything important? Or know if the info is online somewhere? Wondering if he should make an appt with a premed advisor at some point to find out anything he should be doing while working on his undergrad degree.</p>

<p>We attended the prof school session. The material they covered is online. They reviewed the required courses for medical/dental schools in texas. Told the students to join a group/activity they enjoyed. </p>

<p>My D wrote down one “to do” item - join the pre-med society on Sept 7th.</p>

<p>Your son should join AMSA or the Premedical Society (or both). He doesn’t really need an advisor, but make sure he does sign up for Karen Hudson’s listserv <a href=“LISTSERV - Subscription Management - LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU”>LISTSERV - Subscription Management - LISTSERV.TAMU.EDU;
She will send out information about workshops/MCAT prep/other premed stuff.</p>

<p>As I’ve already stated in another thread. The most important thing besides GPA/MCAT that Medical schools look for is clinical experience. You HAVE to have that. Med schools also like students with other volunteer activities, some research, & leadership.</p>

<p>Thanks! Yes, he does plan to join the premed society (that was the flyer we picked up - the kids at the table were very nice).</p>

<p>texasmom, I found this link [Honors</a> Programs at Texas A&M University | Scholarships](<a href=“http://honors.tamu.edu/downloads_forms.shtml]Honors”>http://honors.tamu.edu/downloads_forms.shtml) with lots of good stuff. Is that where they sent you for more info?</p>

<p>yes - all the prof stuff is in the “honors” section on the website.</p>