Number of SAT tests???

<p>I have a quick question about reporting the number of SAT's that I have taken. So I took one in the 7th grade year for a TIP thing. That particular test doesn't show up in my scores on my college board account, so I can't even send them to colleges anyway. Should I still count it in when putting the number of SAT's i have taken?</p>

<p>If it doesn’t show up in your account, then I see no reason to report it. I would assume that you are able to do much better now on the SAT than in 7th grade. Now, if your school transcript mentions that you did take it in seventh grade, I would report it, since the colleges you are applying to will have your transcript.</p>

<p>7th grade test results are automatically purged and no official report is available from that sitting to send to colleges. You should not self report them.</p>