<p>Only on the MIT board would this discussion happen lol!</p>
<p>Better yet, only on the MIT board would people understand what’s written.</p>
<p>Only on the MIT board would this discussion happen lol!</p>
<p>Better yet, only on the MIT board would people understand what’s written.</p>
<p>Wow this sucks</p>
<p>Do we get a better trend line if the spaces are not counted?</p>
<p>Good luck especially to all internationals (including myself!). I am just trying not to get too excited for tomorrow ahhh. What times do decisions come out for you guys? for me it’s 21:00. (9pm)</p>
<p>if you are in Germany it shouldn’t be 21. I’m in Croatia and it is 8pm. And we are the same time zone, aren’t we?</p>
<p>Oh yeah I am flying to turkey tomorrow morning (spring break). It’s 8 in Germany, you’re right. For some reason the fact that it now it will be 9 gives me the feeling i’ll have to wait even longer lol</p>
<p>I think in Italy it’s 7:00 (5 hours ahead - rather than 6 due to daylight savings). But shouldn’t it be the same time in Italy and Germany?</p>
<p>It’s 3am here on Monday and I have school at 8am.</p>
<p>That would suck so badly. Getting mine at 6am but am starting uni at 8am anyway so it’s no big deal.</p>
<p>AHH! JAVA <3 I love being able to understand code so much now =] I grew up programming video games with LUA and gamemaker, but now that im takng AP CompSci I understand Javascript <33333</p>
<p>And I get mine at 1:59, from New Jersey</p>
<p>I’ll get mine in 2am… although luckily we don’t have school tomorrow</p>
<p>I get this at 1:59 PM.</p>
<p>Ahhh, only a little over 2 hours remaining!</p>
<p>Calm down guys ^^</p>
<p>YEAH! CaLM DOWN! :)</p>
<p>How exactly?</p>
<p>Hey you guys are joining some other chatrooms???</p>
<p>well, I joined the so call “unofficial MIT chatroom”</p>
<p>According to the code, this shouldn’t happen… the only reason ‘Go beavers’ comes up more is
if (ry==0)
but I suppose the results are because k wasn’t nearly enough…</p>
<p>where is the unofficial chatroom?</p>