Nursing as a fall-back to Pre Med?

<p>Hi everyone. D is applying to several schools (Allegheny College, Georgia Tech and possibly Loyola Maryland) for BIOLOGY with a pre-med (pre-vet) intention. If she finds the workload (Physics, Calculus, Organic Chemistry, etc.) too hard & changes her mind she might consider switching her major to Nursing. Her private, college-prep HS weighted g.p.a. is 3.98 (4 scale) and her SAT scores are just shy of 2,000 with some AP courses included. But college-level work is much harder than HS and A's & B's aren't that easy to come by. Then there is the MCAT ...</p>

<p>Question: are there any mid-atlantic schools (other than jumbo state schools) which have Biology majors and a cooperative program with another institution to allow D to earn a BS Biology PLUS a BSN in a 3/2 way?</p>

<p>We know that Loyola/MD has a 3/2 program with Johns Hopkins (BS Bio @ Loyola/MD and BSN @ JH) but Loyola's tuition+Room/Board is $50k+ annually. Here is a link to the Loyola 3/2 Nursing program:</p>

<p>Nursing</a> Program</p>

<p>D is fine with nursing, or most any healthcare path, but doesn't want to give up on her dream to be a Vet without trying. Mom & Dad want a fall-back plan in case things don't pan out, short of transferring to another institution. College counselor wants D to apply to U.Pitt but she would need to specify which school to apply to within Pitt (Nursing or College of Arts & Sciences for Bio).</p>

<p>Any Suggestions ???

<p>Just my opinion…but I would have my daughter apply to a good BSN program (at a college she wants to attend for four years) and get the best grades she can while pursuing that degree. When she graduates (and has the security of being employable) then she can go back and take the 50 credits or so she needs for med-school/vet school. Worse case scenario…it takes an extra year and she has two professions. Best…she discovers that she likes nursing, or doesn’t want to spend more time in school, or can’t get the grades necessary for med/vet school and you don’t spend/waste extra money and time. Just an opinion from somebody whose daughter was considering the same options a couple of years ago. BTW - my daughter is in nursing at Pitt. Great program. Good luck!</p>

<p>In your situation, I’d suggest a university with a 2-2 nursing program where you don’t enter the nursing program until 3rd year. That provides time to take classes such as 2nd year organic chemistry, which often is when people realize they are not going to make it to medical school or vet school.</p>

<p>If she would be open to transfer in the future, there are some good nursing programs that are only open to students who have completed 2 years of college elsewhere. One is at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia.</p>

<p>Thanks very much for all the great ideas & suggestions. If we can still try to get an application submitted to Pitt before they fill-up, that will be our first step. Otherwise, we can consider some other BSN programs, possibly Duquesne. Then if admitted, D will have a choice of career paths: BSN program locally -or- if admitted to Allegheny, a pre-med Bio path. If she chooses the latter and can’t cut it, a different direction than pre-med will be required, possibly a transfer back to a BSN program.</p>