nursing at university of southern california

<p>i know USC does not have a nursing school or nursing major, but is it still possible for me to work towards a nursing degree or towards a graduate nursing program or something?</p>

<p>You would have to get a degree in another major and then apply to an Accelerated Nursing Program (takes about 15 months of further full-time study) to get your BSN. You can then apply for Nursing Graduate Education. The cost for these programs is not cheap. If you really want to go into Nursing it would be certainly less time consuming and less costly just to start out applying to direct entry Nursing Programs. Alternatively, you could attend USC for 1-2 years, taking biology/chemistry courses, and then attempt to transfer into a Nursing Program at another university ( however this is not easy to accomplish as most Nursing programs do not accept many transfer students due to the limited number of Nursing slots available). This second approach would therefore be extremely risky. Hope this info is helpful. Best of luck to you.</p>