Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)

My D22 was admitted to the DA BSN programs at both IUP (Indiana University of Pennsylvania) and Clarion University. Both of these schools are PA public universities and would be under $40,000 (closer to $30,000) for an OOS student. D22 has an 89 UW, 91 W GPA and 1030 SAT (submitted). Both of those schools are test-optional. She also was admitted to Alvernia University, to which she applied test optional. Alvernia is private, but offered her a $23,000/year scholarship, bringing COA to less than $30,000. You could contact admissions at these schools to find out if they are still accepting applications to their nursing programs. Pennsylvania has over 50 direct entry nursing programs, many of which aren’t very competitive, so you or he may want to contact multiple other schools.

Michigan State is offering a direct admissions program for nursing that can be applied to through February 1. He would probably get some merit, which would likely bring it down to a little less than $40,000.

thank you all!

Where are your kiddos still waiting on decisions from?

For D, it is:
JMU (not DA)

We are waiting on:

  • Northeastern
  • Sacred Heart

@MAandMEmom , @tumagmom -

We are waiting on:

  • Northeastern
  • UMass Amherst
  • UConn


We are waiting on:

Loyola Chicago
The College of NJ
San Diego State
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State San Marcos

Got into the school but waiting direct admit status:

U of NM
U of Hawaii

Will also know in Feb if she gets off the waitlist for Pacific Lutheran.

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Daughter waiting on 2 more DA schools:

Purdue (1/15 decision day)
Florida Atlantic (sometime in February is our best guess)

Univ of South Alabama (DA)
Clemson (DA)
Missouri State
Univ of Arkansas

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D still waiting on

Boston College
Sacred Heart
UNC Wilmington (Not DA)


UMass Amherst

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Received acceptance to Temple today, so now just three left.


@Mamajules - when did you hear from UMass Amherst? Are you in-state or oos?

We are In state. D heard right before Christmas break.

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Thanks @Mamajules

DD still waiting from many universities

  • Reach: George Town, Emory, NYU, UT Austin, Villanova, North Eastern
  • Target: Purdue, Saint Louis University, University of Alabama at Birmingham


  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Penn State
  • Loyola University Chicago
  • University of Illinois Chicago

Just called FAU I was told by end of March, so crazy…

Good grief. I imagine my daughter will make a decision before the end of March. We are in Missouri, and she has been second guessing being so far from home, so FAU wasn’t tops on her list any longer. And I also know she is anxious to make a final decision so she can start planning on housing, etc.

Here in California, state schools don’t come out until March. (UCs and Cal States)

So we have settled into not making a decision until March which is a drag. So we feel you! :wink:

DD waiting on:
UNC (not DA)
Emory (not DA)

University of South Carolina

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Auburn and South Carolina are not direct admit.