Nursing Class of 2026 (Direct Admit BSN)


Sacred Heart

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Ohio State -not DA, pre-nurs (easy)
Penn State
UMass Lowell
UMass Boston
UMass Dartmouth

UMass Amherst


Congrats- what an amazing array of choices so far!!
Where is she leaning?
Honestly, getting into Decker / Binghamton is such a tremendous feat she’ll probably get into the rest!
Any idea when we’ll hear from UMA?!

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@OceanAir - Thank you, we are very grateful. She also got great merit scholarships from most of her schools. Decker/Binghamton and Simmons DA BSN cost the same as UMass A due to merit scholarships. She likes both of these.

DD is looking at the status portal for UMA every day
not sure when they will release the results though! It’s out of habit, at this time since the choices she already has are great! she got into 12/15 nursing programs. seems like we might see some rejections in the remaining 3/15!

Good point but my understanding of Auburn is that applying to upper division nursing is not super competitive.

Daughter was accepted to Honors College at South Carolina and was told that she was automatically in for nursing and would not need to apply later, so from her point of view, it is a DA.

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D received letter of acceptance from Azusa Pacific in the mail today.

Acceptances so far
All mentions are for the schools of nursing
3.7+ UW, No Test Scores

U of Portland, $17,775 merit
Marymount University, $23,500 merit
Creighton, $19,000 merit
Pacific Lutheran University, $29,000 merit
Xavier, $20,000 + cost of all required text books
Marquette, $23,500 merit
Azusa Pacific University, $19,000 merit


Monmouth came out today

23k merit (which bring the cost of tuition, room and board around 33,600k/yr not including fees)

no test scores


 Daughter accepted to nursing program at Purdue today.

OOS, 4.0 unweighted/4.5 weighted, 34 ACT, ranked 21 out of 345. We were elated she made it into the direct admit nursing program! 
 but sigh, no merit scholarship. Nothing. Not one cent :frowning:

Being OOS that just makes this financially out of reach (or at least not a smart financial decision). Thought for sure she’d at least get the lowest merit award with her stats.

Very disappointed.

Are you sure that merit awards aren’t coming separately at a later time? Some schools do it that way.

Yes, merit awards are stated in the acceptance letter if granted. We were sure she’d get one which is why she even applied. Guess there were just a ton of high stat applicants for her major.

We were just hopeful this was the school :frowning:

Sorry to hear that @momoftwo74

I see you posted:
Waiting on: Florida Atlantic (sometime in February is our best guess)

Univ of South Alabama (DA)
Clemson (DA)
Missouri State
Univ of Arkansas

How do you rank the choices you have so far?

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Well I think Clemson would be her ideal choice. She’d love to live in a warmer state (being from MO). But we are still waiting on merit award from them. We know she’s getting something, just not sure of amount to see if it makes it a smart financial choice. We still have to tour though. We were waiting to see if she got in before visiting.

But she also really loved Missouri State when we toured. Besides being in MO (Lol), it’s probably the perfect city and campus for her. And it’s in state so very very affordable. The big con is it isn’t direct admit, so you have that added stressor of having to try and get accepted later.
(But it’s closer to home which is a PLUS for me!)

I was thinking Univ of South Alabama would be a great mix 
 closer than Clemson but warmer climate near water. Beautiful nursing facilities and in state tuition rates with her stats. But we toured and she just wasn’t feeling it.

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My D’s UTenn acceptance was directly to BSN/College of Nursing, so they are releasing some.

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D received a deferment from Villanova. She was actually celebrating it wasn’t a flat out no!


We had same experience with UTenn - accepted with all the fan fare - box/flag etc
 but said decision on Nursing TBD.


Posting more updates and summary.

3.98 UW GPA
27 ACT but only submitted to some
4 AP/14 honors
Strong ECs and LOR
Good essay
White female from PA

Duquesne, Accepted $23k annual merit
Pitt TO, Accepted $2k annual merit
UDel TO, Accepted $15k annual merit
Penn State TO, rejected from UP offered branch campus
U of South Carolina Pre Nursing, Accepted no merit (shouldn’t have sent scores in hindsight)
Scranton, Accepted $22k annual merit
Temple, Accepted $5k annual merit
James Madison, Accepted (merit TBD)
Villanova, deferred EA
Clemson, still waiting on decision


Im getting a little antsy. :wink: I know that patience is a virtue so I guess im not very virtuous. :wink:
My daughter is cool as a cucumber??

Come on already with the Cal State schools! March seems like it will never get here!

So this is where we are at right now.

Haven’t heard back from College of NJ, Loyola or the Cal State schools. Got into UNM and UoH but still waiting on direct admit decision. Also was waitlisted at PLU and will know in the next few weeks if she gets off.

*our main goal is AFFORDABLE (since we have 2 that will be attending college this fall) and solid direct BSN program. All schools listed below are direct admit except for U of Arizona.

California Kiddo
UW GPA 4.0
No AP but Loads of dual enrollment
Homeschools through a public charter
No test scores

Merit Grants
U of Portland 26,000
U of Utah WUE
Carroll University 24,000
Hood College 50% off tuition
Pacific Lutheran University 32,000 plus 2500
Duquesne 19,000
York College PA 11,000 3,541
Westminster Utah 28,000
Monmouth 23,000 4,100
The College of NJ
Xavier 24,000
U of Akron 8,500
Cleveland State 8,500
U of Arizona 35,000
Loyola Chicago
Regis 23,00 plus 3,000
University of San Fransisco 27,000
ASU 15,500
U of Scranton 24,000
Bloomsburg University 7,000
North Dakota State 3,000
Indiana Univ of PA 5,500 (pus 1k)
Clarion University PA 7,000
Youngstown State 3,000
Creighton 21,000
Gannon 20,000
Marquette 27,500
U of New Mexico 17,053
U of Hawaii 2,000
San Diego State University
Cal State Fullerton
Cal State San Marcos

That’s a great list! Are there multiple affordable options? Does your daughter have any favorites?

@Livvyxoxo At this point, these schools are in the running

SDSU would be number 1 but the likelihood of admission due to impaction is laughable. Even with a 4.0 at the community college with 90units of dual enrollment, her chances are slim at SDSU. We are crossing out fingers and toes. (Fullerton is also crazy competitive. Im thinking we would make that work if she was admitted)

|Pacific Lutheran University |32,000 plus 2500||
|York College PA|11,000| plus grant 3,541|
|Westminster Utah|28,000||
|U of Arizona|35,000||
|Regis|23,00 plus 3,000||
|Indiana Univ of PA|5,500 (pus 1k)||
|U of New Mexico|17,053||
|San Diego State University|||
|Cal State Fullerton|||

Daughter is kind of an old soul. She isn’t really excited about any particular college at this moment. Maybe thats because she doesn’t want to be disappointed. U of San Fran was her number one choice in the beginning but its not in the running due to affordability. She’s the kind of kid that would be quietly disappointed and knows logically why its not in the cards. Same with Duquesne although we will go back to them in March and ask for a price match and if they can bring it down enough, I think she would jump on that. She is open to UNM although I wouldn’t say excited about it. She was VERY excited about PLU but being on the waitlist, she lost her mojo for that school. Im hoping that if she gets in and a visit up there, would get her excited again. She talks about York a little.

I know nothing about Regis or Westminster as they dont have a strong online presence. Westminster stands out to me as a possibility.

As a parent, Im seriously conflicted. PLU is not in the safest area, nor is York in PA, nor is UNM. Those 3 schools come in as the most affordable.

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It’s awesome that you have so many schools that are affordable, although I can understand different pros and cons to each. I can understand the impatience of waiting until March for other schools- I was deferred from a school EA last year and the wait was painful!

Will you be trying to visit/revisit any of the affordable schools?

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