Nursing Major and athletics

<p>My daughter has an offer of a sports scholarship at a D2 college, but she will be in the nursing program. What is the opinion of playing a D2 sport while attending nursing school? I have heard conflicting opinions. Some say it is can be done with good time management and others say it may be too difficult especially after freshman year. Should she take the D3 school offering almost the same financial aid and merit money, but maybe a more stress free 4 years? Opinions?</p>

<p>My daughter who is a junior is also struggling with this decision. She was focused on D3 but is now thinking about not doing sport at all. iIthink it is possible on a D3 level, at least freshman year. It is hard to do a decent science major and sports. Good luck to your daughter and her decision. Years ago i was a nursing major at Skidmore College and played field hockey. I had to quit because of the conflicts of labs, games and practices. To be very truthful, not many make it doing sports.</p>