nursing school at ucla

<p>can anybody tell me about the nursing program at hows the social life of a nursing student at ucla...and hows the ucla campus life and the nursing profs</p>

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<p>I haven’t started at UCLA yet (I’ll be a freshman in the nursing program in September) so I’m not sure I can answer your questions, but from a q&a we got with nursing students at BruinDay, it seemed like everyone in the nursing program became really close friends, because so many of their classes are together and there are so few of them. And they all seemed really fond of their professors. At orientation and BruinDay, the nursing department really stressed that they help you and take care of you from day one, which was really nice to hear since it’s such a big campus. From what I’ve heard, campus life at UCLA in general is always fun and busy, and there are always things to do. I’m sure that wasn’t very helpful, but message me in a couple of months once school actually starts and I’ll be able to tell you more :)</p>

<p>No that was very helpful…im glad to hear tht the staff sounds like they are very caring. im trying to get my bsn i already have my adn…and im really considering going to ucla…ive always wanted to go there…nurses usually tend to stick together considering the intensity and work load. i was also wondering what the campus was like because its so big and im coming from a junior college…but i will def see how your doing in a few months and appreciate your response</p>

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<p>Hey there!</p>

<p>I just finished up my first year at UCLA, and I seriously LOVED it. For me, I love the combination of the big busy campus with the small close-knit nursing program. It’s like the best parts of a public school paired with the best parts of a private! I’ve only had a few nursing classes so far, but I really enjoyed my professor. </p>

<p>As for the social life, UCLA is one of the busiest/happening places to be. There’s enough to do on campus, that you never really have to leave. But if you want to, you’re only a bus ride away from Santa Monica, Hollywood, Venice beach, etc. It’s a wonderful place to be for college. (:</p>

<p>Although the campus is big, it’s actually the smallest (square-footage) UC campus. The way it’s designed (into north campus and south campus), it’s fairly easy to navigate. As a nursing major, most of your classes are in south campus. After a few weeks, it doesn’t feel as big as it does as first (although you do get in good shape by walking all the hills!)</p>

<p>Hope this helps! I hope it wasn’t too jumbled, I’m writing it while watching the So You Think you Can Dance finale, hehe. If you have any specific questions, feel free to PM me or write back here, and I’ll try and check back. Good luck with applying!</p>

<p>Also, side note to BRUINnursing. It’s so fun to see another UCLA nursing student around here! :D</p>

thanks alot that really helped me get an idea of how things are at ucla…im actually a nursing student in chicago…ill b graduating with my ADN…im moving to that area so i was just wondering how the program was and the social life…i want to get BA from ucla</p>