Nursing school for boys

Nursing school for boys, any comments?

S19 says that he wants to do nursing, eventual goal being nurse anesthetist.

I think that nursing is a great career for sons or daughters. One of my H’s cousins became a nurse anesthetist. She enjoyed her career.

A friend of the family has a son studying nursing with the goal of becoming a nurse practitioner. It sounds good to me!

My son graduated nursing school last year. He loves it! So many opportunities out there for nurses. He was told that male nurses are hard to keep as they usually go on to be a Nurse Practitioner or Nurse Anesthetist. Next summer he will start as a travelling nurse. From what people tell me, it’s a very lucrative.

Ah! I’m a boy, and I’m interested in going to nursing school. My end goal is a Pediatric nurse practitioner

That’s currently his goal as well! He recently started to look at furthering his education when he was approached about becoming a travelling nurse. He currently is a Pediatric ICU Nurse and loves it.

Do the boys have any advantages when it comes to admissions?

My father was recently in the hospital and at least half his nurses were male.

Boys have a some distinct job advantages with regards to heavy lifting

How about advantages for getting into nursing school? It is so competitive I hear.

My neighbor’s son and daughter-in-law are both nurses. Excellent career. My father also had many male nurses in the hospital.

My son is in his first year of nursing school now and honestly I don’t think it was an advantage for him during the application process. There are just too few spots and it’s very competitive

I don’t think it hurts. Whether it helps is dependent on whether the school itself is committed to increasing the number of men in its program. Assuming you hit the academic and other benchmarks, there might be a tiny advantage but not one that would make admission a sure thing.