nursing transfer student from out-of-state

<p>Hi everyone! I haven't been on College Confidential since high school, but I'm back.</p>

<p>I live in California, and I went to UC Riverside for a year before I moved back home. I didn't do so well at school there because I wasn't ready for the big jump to a 4-year, but I'm really trying hard to turn myself around. I left UCR with a 2.5 gpa. Since moving home, I've been taking classes at my local community college. I have 4 A's and 2 B's so far, and right now I'm taking another 5 classes (2 of which are my remaining nursing pre-reqs). It's actually going really well.</p>

<p>My cumulative gpa is at 2.7, which I know is very low, but I got a 93% on my HESI A2 exam. What are my chances of getting admitted to TCU's nursing major as a transfer student? Will the nursing school take my upward trend into consideration? I mailed them an application, and I'm just waiting to hear a response.</p>

<p>Here are my prerequisite grades:</p>

<p>A&P 1: B
A&P 2: in progress
Microbiology: in progress
Human Development: A
Intro to Psychology: B (I took this at UCR)
Intro to Sociology: A
Elementary Statistics: A
Nutrition: B</p>

<p>& Public Speaking: A (I know this isn't a prerequisite for TCU, but I took this as well at my CC)</p>

<p>I also work as a piano teacher, I volunteer at a children's hospital, and I volunteer with high school exchange students in my area (I was an exchange student in high school myself).</p>