NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

ngl so far ur the only one with some sort of differences with the email on library records and stuff lol not even one with Stern email has it

guys I cant go to the NYU bookstore, can any of you in the NYU classes go to the bookstore?

I see an email too under the NYU Classes.

where did you guys see emails under nyu classes, profile?

ik its purely anecdotal but most of reddit begs to differ

it was some kind of glitch add me on ig ill send u

I also have a NYU email in NYU classes. Does everyone?

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did you by any chances attend a summer program or ANY pre-college program nyu has?

yup, this came only today/recently i think, wasnt there yesterday when i checked

Can any of you access the NYU bookstore?

dont think we are meant to either way cuz we arent enrolled yet

i got in nyu precollege program but declined

Hmm, can that be the reason for your netID being registered everywhere?

i don’t think so, nyu never asked me to activate my email or gave me an email

Guys this is a quote from a guy who got in last year:

““not at all some of us ed1 applicants were super scared, for ex, I was able to access the CAS portal but then a day before decisions came out the ports shut down. some ed1 kids saw the housing thing but they were rejected and some were accepted. literally nothing to worry about.””

There is nothing confirmed as of now so dont stess out there can be glitches and errors but nothing is confirmed as of now

did they give you a net id before?

you really digged deep in nyu’s web loll

yeah, because of you lmao