NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

Can we just leave yupp alone. He’s applying to the same school we are and no matter his reason he is a potential classmate to us. Let it be - also congrats on Columbia.


my housing did. Others did as well. I checked it Saturday said DC, then I checked it again Sunday and it was gone

I don’t think anyone has had their decision out yet if that helps.


the last changes for this were on friday and late Thursday. the did not chnage on the weekends

Well mine did I don’t know what to tell you😁

Yeah… I never heard anyones portal changed after friday… thats strange

its because the portals chnage when an update it made to the application by the admissions officer. They dont just “randomly” occurs cuz web based api dont work like that

Admission officers dont even work on the weekends

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Bro its kinda weird that ur town has 2 high schools considering ur new one has only 20 kids

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bro just stop. the only thing that’s out from Columbia is ed1. So you’re telling me you applied Ed to columbia, got in, and that you like nyu better so you applied Ed2?

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Exactly and ED I is binding so even it’s illegal for you to apply to NYU.

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very funny guy


Guys, why cant i activate my net id

this next 2 hours gonna feel so long

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Don’t stress, you according to CAS if you google “who can access CAS portal at NYU” says you have to be a first year student, not applicant. In order to be a student you have to accept the offer

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also really odd considering u didn’t say anything in the umich or columbia cc threads, and only started talking 3 days ago in the nyu thread

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I’m like 90% sure he’s gone, we know he’s lying, don’t stress guys

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Its so strange that someone would have that much time to come on here and make up many lies…


Seems like he could be from reddit based on the evidence he was using to prove he “got in” so, idk