NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

which time zone?


why tf is this ddnyuking reacting with a red x to everything lmaoo.

I meant like the guy who said ā€œHas anyone gotten a decision? I heard that rejections come at 1 and acceptances around 3/4ā€ does he mean rejections come around 1PM EST

we chillin bruh I think he got a cool down from posting cuz he talk too much lmao

Hey Iā€™m confused here. Someone said rejections come out earlier than acceptances, is that rlly true?

nah prolly not i think its random


Yeah thatā€™s what I heard

So no decisions yet?

So you ed to a school you didnā€™t even like

Itā€™s not that I donā€™t like it I like nyu more

does it matter?

has any1 gotten any decisions from NYU yet

I have not

Does everyone have a university ID on their portal?

Look if you likes NYU more guess what you shouldā€™ve done? So can you please stop with fueling the ā€œindicatorsā€ and making it seem like you definitely got in and too bad so sad for everyone else?

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Iā€™m not fueling it. The housing portal conspiracy is baseless.

Letā€™s not fill up a forum with baseless claims and accusations it literally doesnā€™t matter who got in where I just wanna see updates ab NYU not your conversation