NYU 2025 - ED2 Applicants

yup getting ready to send soon

i still have my check list

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Me too

do you have no apps/ 1 button

DC + 1 button /sigh

i think everybody’s checklist is still up


Wait is no apps and one button good or bad

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hi everyone just breathe the decisions are already made, go eat a brownie

did any of your “received” documents disappear? this was the place you could upload documents, and states if they were official or not? someone on the reddit thread said theirs did and mine just did as well

anybody get anything yet?

yeah mine did

oh yea mine disappeared as well

people are saying no apps means you got accepted

Its 3 pm est the results should be coming in soon!

anyone get a decision yet?

anybody’s checklist gone?

no I still have mine