NYU Abu Dhabi

<p>Silkesha, I’m sending mine. It’s 91 (ibt), not very epic, but still…</p>

<p>104 was my TOEFL score (it’s definitely iBT here in UAE and there’s no PBT in those countries where iBT has been established), I’m repeating my SAT again to get a kick-ass score in it though :)</p>

<p>aah…great!..I am planning to appear for it this December! :)</p>

<p>Murtaza, when do we get this mailed package?</p>

<p>I normally have to wait three weeks to get anything from NY but it has already been three weeks</p>

<p>hey, I just saw these threads today and Im soo dissapointed. I applied ED and had everything in by like… the 30th of october. But I havent recieved anything yet… do you think that means that I wont be asked to a candidate weekend? Im also from New Zealand KiwiKid! But I live in Japan though…
Arghh… Im really nervous and check my emails every single day haha.</p>

<p>Well hopefully everyone who hasn’t received an invite on this site will receive it for the december one. Although I am still not quite convinced that all the invites have reached their destinations because when I received a confirmation for my having turned in a nomination, it mentioned the cw and stated that “please have a passport ready because the turnaround time will be short” or something like that, meaning you wouldnt have enough time to plan for a flight in advance idk though</p>

<p>Yeah I think the Dec CW will be quite a big one… I’m surprised there’s no one else on CC going to the Nov one.</p>

<p>nyuadhopeful, which city were you from? I’m from Auckland. Yay NZ!! Do you have Japanese or NZ citizenship?</p>

<p>yeah, Im really hoping to go on the CW because I honestly never ever wanted to go to a school more than NYUAD! Im from Hamilton, and yeah I have a NZ passport, Ive only been in Japan for 2 and a half years, I really really reaaally want to go here though! Did you go to Kristin? From what I hear thats the best high school in NZ.</p>

<p>@Kiwikid – um from what I remember, I got this package just a week before my CW, although it can differ from person to person, so some could’ve got it early while others may get it late.
@nyuadhopeful – yay, we’ve another NYUAD hopeful, nice to meet you here… don’t stress on the CW, if you’re good enough, you’ll get your December invite, although I think they should start giving the December invites from next week onwards so all the best for that. :)</p>

<p>Murtaza, oh, just a thought of this makes me feel so excited!
NYUADhopeful, wow, you’re from NZ and live in Japan? That’s interesting! I’ve noticed that most of us here have quite an international background :)</p>

<p>I submitted my application on 30th October, just before the deadline given for Eearly Decision I and received an E-Mail on 4th November the application acknowledgement. Now I’m quite desperate as I haven’t been invited to the CW yet, and I’m cheking my Mail Box all the time as if I had gone insane. :smiley: I forgot to mention that I had done voluntary work as a veterinary assistant, but it has nothing to do with my future carreer, so guys, do think I should write them telling about it? I wanted to become a vet, but soon I changed my mind and now I focus on languages and kind of diplomacy - that’s what I’m good at in my friends’ opinion. I don’t have international background but have already travelled half the world and I’m passione about cosmopolitan things. So… I’m fairly worried about the CW… anyway, hope dies last, doesn’t it?</p>

<p>Yea i agree, I myself have lived in 4 different countries all around the world. Maybe that’s why we are all attracted to NYUAD! Hopefully the admission committee sees our international personalities, haha. I’m really looking forward to the next couple of weeks when they start sending CW invitations. It will seriously make my life if i get an invitation! Im guessing that they’ll start sending them between nov. 10th-15th. As for the person who doubted that all november CW’s have been sent, they definitely have. They were all sent a week ago or sooner.</p>

<p>@NYUtheDream — hey nice to see you here, um yh definitely you should tell about your veterinary work as an extracurricular achievement even though you didn’t want to become a vet but still, and again as IBathlete said that since Nov. CW invites are all sent, its best to wait for the December one so expect an invite, if one, around mid-Nov. :)</p>

<p>Hey, Murtaza, can I ask why you didn’t apply EDI if you’ve already submitted all your documentation?</p>

<p>@Kiwikid – no I have NOT submitted all my documentation! I was having some problem with recommendations and SAT scores that’d arrive by December, so I’ll be applying EDII instead.</p>

<p>Hey if anybody gets an invite to the December weekend, we have to post it ok! I just got my confirmation of application letter today. It’s dated 11th of October… It’s been almost a month! Must be the distance from NYU to Japan I guess. Did anyone else do/ or is doing the IB right now? I didn’t take SATs, just sent in my Predicted IB scores and I was wondering what everyone else got…</p>

<p>@nyuadhopeful - Okay for me
SAT I: M - 730, CR - 480, W - 490 (I’ll be repeating my SAT though)
SAT II: Math Level II - 680, 750 (2nd try), Chemistry - 730, Physics - 700
TOEFL: 104 (iBT)
A-Levels (they’re kinda like the British version of APs): Math - A*, Chemistry - A, Physics - A (I’m giving 2 more subjects as well now, they’re Economics and General Paper)
High school final GPA: It was around between 4.10-4.40 out of 5 (sorry guys I lost my stats -.-)
Extracurriculars: Tutoring subjects without fees/charge for four years and on, Assistant organizer in the annual Science fair in my school, attended the Al-Jazira Football Club’s training camp for 3 months, took a Qur’an Recitation Program in a local mosque (it’s special cause they focus on the correct and proper pronunciation and tone for the recitation of the words), volunteered for collecting door-to-door donations for an MSF program through our school for helping AIDS victims in Africa, took part in school’s annual Sports Day March Past, won Humaid Al-Mazrouei Award for Mathematics, reached State Level finals of MARRS International Spelling Bee, took part in school’s and Abu Dhabi’s Model United Nations conference, and finally assisted my own school teachers after school hours in work.</p>

<p>I think that’s pretty much my whole application! ;)</p>

wow, I feel pretty pathetic now… :D</p>

<p>murtaza101 Thank you very much for your quick response. :slight_smile:
And having read your short version of application… man, you’ll be accapted. :wink:
I’ve just written about my voluntary work and I’m gonna send it to them this afternoon.
Will definitely post in case I get an invitation to the CW in December.
Does anyone know the approximate number of ED I. applicants?</p>

<p>@NYUtheDream – Um I’ve no idea about ED-I pool, for what I know there are about 50-65 ppl appro. in the Nov. CW
@elithefair – Sorry about making you feel… umm “pathetic” :stuck_out_tongue: don’t worry, keep your spirit up and you’ll surely get in ^_^</p>

<p>Put up the stats people! Its okay if anyone wants to keep there facts secret :slight_smile:
And yeah, definitely people, post here if you’re invited for any of the CWs.</p>