NYU Abu Dhabi

<p>Well personally speaking, I don’t think that NYUAD may die out like other satellite campuses here, cause for one thing, Abu Dhabi here is funding the campus itself and the resources are really top-notch, the campus, faculty etc. Also note the fact is that most who got in had really top qualifications so the selectivity does mean that its there to stand for many years and not fall like MSU where anyone could actually get in. For MSU, it was in Dubai but the government there wasn’t more optimistic and supportive with it so that lead to its closure. And yeah, it COULD be true that NYUAD could have some uncertainties in the future but for now, at least for this decade, it does have a potential of smoothly running.
Also about 6 ED apps from America, I think its more reasonable to have 6 ED applications but yh it also could be that there may be 6 people coming to the Nov. CW from America, although who knows?</p>

<p>I think that it’ll be a successful program. Funding is the main thing and it seems like NYUAD is pretty generous. But to change the subject and get everyone involved, what are the things that attract you to nyuad?</p>

<p>Things I were immediately attracted to were:
-The most generous financial aid
-Small school
-New since it was created last year
-Its reputation and prestige due to its relation with NYU
-From what I read, student life is comforting, except for the hot weather, which I’m used yo</p>

<p><em>Things i was</em> haha. But good reasons! I agree with all of them. Though where are you currently living? Is NYU really considered a prestigious school?</p>

<p>Oh yeah I’m from the Midwest in the US and EVERY single senior in my class is applying to NYU, though none to AD. Its not considered a back-up school for anyone; they aren’t as selective as the Ivy leagues or MIT, but they are selective to a certain degree</p>

<p>Really? Before i found out about nyuad, I was going to apply to nyu because they have a great business program, but idk anything about their financial aid. Is it decent? Are you applying to the NYC campus in addition to ad?</p>

<p>I’m not; there’s just something about the city of ny that doesn’t appeal to me, with all the expensive things and old apartment buildings. Also, I had a friend who was accepted to nyu last year and his parents made as much as mine, but he said he wasn’t that happy with the aid he received; they eliminated some $30,000 from the $50,000 or so required. He still wanted to go though but he had to take out some expensive loans. That’s also part of the reason why i won’t apply there</p>

<p>Ahh ok yea, $20k/yr is still pretty rough. I know this is kind of personal, but do you mind sharing what your friends income range was? (you can be broad). Oh and btw, are you applying to yale EA as well? i saw your stats there (which are pretty impressive btw).</p>

<p>Our dads worked together in engineering and his dad worked for 5 years longer, so he makes more, somewhere b/w $65,000-$85,000, which would probably be uppwer mid-class.</p>

<p>I’m applying to yale for regular decision, and yea thanks for the compliment, although i don’t even know how i did it. I took each test twice and the first time, i didn’t get over 700 on anything</p>

<p>haha however you got it, you got it. Your ACT score is def. great as well. This is what’s got me antsy about nyuad. im competing with people who have amazing test scores and GPA’s, while my strengths lie in EC’s, course load, rec’s, and things that may not directly get me in. nonetheless, i’m still praying. I definitely hope to see you at the next CW!</p>

<p>i hope to see you too, i was hoping id get notified about the one in november because i applied back in september, but with 2 weeks til the first cw, i dont think thats gonna happen</p>

<p>Yea, I applied in mid-october and was hoping the same thing. Oh well, all we can do is wait at this point.</p>

<p>I agree with “luqmanra” about the same reasons for choosing NYUAD, well about weather as a UAE resident, its pretty cold here during winters, well not that cold that it snows but the wind is sure damn cold enough for me, and summers are like pure fire over here! Even I chose NYUAD because of its NYU prestige but yh, I didn’t opt for the NYUNY campus since they said that they didn’t offer fin-aid to international students over there. But I have to say that it is my wish to explore NYC someday, since I’ve never been to America ever before.</p>

<p>The reasons for my choice of NYUAD:

  • Generous financial aid
  • American university with American standards of education
  • The “Global citizenship” idea and “Global network university” approach, which are very close to me
  • The Brain and Cognitive Science major, which we do not have in Russian colleges and which is perfect for me
  • Hot climate! (I hate my Russian one, as I can’t stand the cold at all)</p>


<p>also, I got lucky to go to New York City. I walked around NYU and the Washington Square there… I didn’t know about NYUAD that time, but I kind of felt that NYU spirit)</p>

<p>Does anyone know how the cw invites work; is it by mail only or do they send e-mails too?</p>

<p>I received mine by email. But I do live quite far away (NZ) and their acknowledgement letter that they had received my application took 3 weeks to arrive, so it is possible I was a special case.</p>

<p>They send it via E-mail in most cases, I believe!</p>

<p>Well, how many of you are sending the TOEFL scores?
Also, if you guys don’t mind, may I know your scores?</p>

<p>Um about CW invites, they first send you an email cause as we all know its more quicker, and also they send you a mail package that includes the official CW invite along with a sort of booklet regarding your CW.</p>