Asian female, speaks Chinese fluently, immigrated 11 years ago
SAT: V710 M780=1490
SATII: Wr660 :p Bio M780 MathIC730
current GPA 99% (weighted, no idea what unweighted is)
class rank: 4/430
AP courses: Bio, US hist, calc AB, psychology, chemistry, statistics, English
5 on AP BIo test
EC (pretty weak): Chorus (piano player and alto), academic team, math club secretary, yearbook finance organizer, peer tutor, Spanish club, art club, JV tennis (1st 2nd singles, only been playing 2 years), science club, Academic team, science league (top scorer in county and our team placed first in county), cultural awareness, NHS
playing piano for 10 years, got state level award several weeks ago, and countless outstanding achievements in those audition things, and several 1st,3rd place in competitions
art lessons (watercolors, Chinese calligraphy)
volunteer at hospital in ER and nursing assistent 5hrs/week
Awards: several placements in science competitions, several Student of the month/marking pd, achievement in math league competitions, nothing major
Attended 5 week national summer math program</p>
<p>man... reading some of these posts are depressing... you guys are geniuses
so I really want to know what you guys think, I really want to go for either tufts or dartmouth (well actually the apps were sent out already, wish me luck), but are they even beyond reach for me? Boston U and Leigh I'm pretty sure of...
I actually just moved to a new school, at my previous school, I was ranked 1st, big fish in small pond, but eh now the school district is a lot better</p>
<p>some feedback is much appreciated, thanks a bunch!</p>