Hey guys! I’m currently in my senior year and I was wondering what my chances are for NYU CAS, Northeastern, and Boston University!
Unweighted GPA: 3.8
ACT: 31 (34 Reading, 28 Math, 34 English, 29 Science)
Class Rank: 13/375
Intended Major: Undecided
Race: Asian-American
~AP Classes~
-AP World
-AP Psych
-AP Physics 1
-AP Lang
-AP Lit
-AP Calc BC
-AP Gov
-AP Microeconomics
-AP Bio
-International Club Treasurer (9-12)
-Ecology Club (9-12)
-National Honor Society (11-12)
-150 hours as a hospital volunteer (11-12)
-Science Olympiad (11-12)
-NYSSMA (9-10)
-All County Choir (9)
-Won silver medal at regional Math Fair (11)
-Principal’s List (9-12)
My opinions:
NYU CAS - low reach
NU - high match
BU - match
Additional Information:
I had my counselor, my AP Psychology teacher, and my honors chem teacher write my letters of rec. I got a 5 on AP Psych and my teacher knew about how I would read my psych textbook for fun. My honors chem teacher always said I was one of her most hard-working students. My counselor said she wrote about my extracurriculars. It was probably pretty generic, but I think she wrote good stuff.
My family income is around 40K. I live in New York.
Had my English teacher read my essays, and he said they were pretty good.
I think you are a good match for all of them, at most maybe you’ll get rejected from one of those
accepted everywhere.
ignore negative comments lmao. you’re above average for nyu.
accepted in boston FOR SURE. Northeastern is hardest to get in ,but you’re still above average 
Thanks guys for the responses!
NYU CAS sounds like a match. NU may be a low reach because unfortunately, they like to game the rankings and pick applicants based solely on high test scores. BU should be a low match. Best of luck!
@koreanstudent act 31 is 1420+ on sat, nyu sat average is 1410, nyu average gpa is 3.7. nyu is match school for him. all he needs are nice essays. nyu acceptance rate is really high 33% , he should be able to enroll easily.
@Derpthulu yes, that’s why I said NYU was a match.
Also, the 33% acceptance rate (which isn’t that high-not super low but not high either. a 50%+ would be high) is for all schools within nyu combined. Tisch, CAS and Stern are more competitive than other schools and have a lower acceptance rate. NYU’s acceptance rate is in the 30s, but NYU Stern is about 10-15% while LSP is supposedly higher than 30%.
Honestly, I feel like my individual section scores for the ACT could hurt me. The reason why I got a 31 was because my English and Reading were a lot higher than my Math and English, which were 28 and 29.