NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I wonder why ?? its honestly starting to stress me out

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Yeah I was getting that too does anyone have a solution?

thats what happened to me when i logged on through the housing portal link, but if you log onto nyu home and click nyu life and then click housing forms it showed me the housing portal stuff

could u show a screenshot

When I logged in with both buttons gone, it only allowed me to apply to Housing for Spring and Summer 2021 and “not part of an NYU academic program”. Gonna assume that’s not a good sign.

both of your buttons are already gone?

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As far as I can tell, yes, but I may be mistaken

I think its insane that NYU is aware of these hacks (they are) and they don’t change it. Applicants shouldn’t have access to NYU Home, the housing portal, or Albert in my opinion. It causes so much unnecessary stress


can we see a photo of your portal? :thinking:


I’ve tried but it wont let me upload one

Will there be a decision before April 1st? I hope so, NYU is my last college to hear from. So far all my reach schools have been rejections :tired_face:. Nyu is my last hope fingers crossed


maybe an imgur link instead?

its ridiculous. I agree 10000%

my portal looks the same…

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Mine too. We are almost at the finish line everyone! Hopefully you’ve already gotten some exciting news from other schools while you have waited!


Is it bad that I didn’t get the email about the summer program? I checked junk and all through my email and it’s not anywhere…

No!!! We already discussed this! Totally separate!!

Ok. Thank you!

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No problem!

UC system has tortured me.