NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

You seem qualified, but who knows given the sheer amount of apps? You will hear back soon enough. :slight_smile:

Looks like the portals are changing. Expect this thread to light up.

I have one button, with only summer 2021 in the housing portal

you went through the nyu life and then nyu home right?


you dont see spring 2021?

My portal still has the two buttons but I can log into the housing portal (there’s only a Summer 2021 option though)


My portal only has one button and the COViD info disappeared

On my housing portal it only appears summer 2021 and the options are NYc and Abu Dhabi

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i see the covid info, both buttons, and spring and summer 2021 with options of dc and nyc lol
mine hasn’t changed at all

where was the covid info?

Below where it says “Hello (your name)”


Mine hasn’t either.

Does everyone’s portal change or only those who were accepted?

yeah m etoo

My housing portal changed to Summer 2021 only. Can someone do the Stern email trick to see if they get redirected? There are directions to do it somewhere in this thread.

i think everyone had that from the beginning

someone on reddit had summer 2021 only. They did the stern email and it worked

It seems like everyone who’s portal changed only has Summer 2021. Maybe the portal changing at all is the indicator.