NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Essentially, if you only have summer 2021, you can select New York and click access application. Then, you’re gonna go through some NYU Shibboleth login thing and if you pass that you can click on academic year application. After you click that, the form should appear on your main page (https://housing.nyu.edu/apply). The screenshot here is what you should see after you login with shibboleth.


These are much better directions than I managed, thanks

Do you think we’d get rescinded if they found out we did this?

Idk. The likelihood they find out is low

So does 1 box + summer == 1 box + summer + academic year??

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Lol I don’t really know if theres really a point if people are just going to do the trick just for it to show up… its kind of meaningless??

for mine, the purple tab on the top doesn’t even show “academic year app” only shows summer housing


oh, I’m sorry then. I really don’t know. That was only how I got “academic year” to show up, anyway.

Well my only thought contrary to that is, some people seem to be doing the “trick” and not getting the academic year. But who knows

Mine says waitlist : (

Your portal saying “waitlist undergrad” is actually not a bad thing


if i remember correctly, that’s actually an indicator of possible acceptance lol


PLEASE, the rollercoaster of emotions I am currently experiencing is a bit much. First I think I am doomed, now there’s hope… Thank you for your reply though, I have been trying to find an answer everywhere.

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Here is some (unsolicited…lol) advice, how about we wait until the 31st and find out for sure??? Whatever indicators are there or not there, really don’t guarantee anything. Everyone is just driving themselves crazy. Do you really want to do portal tricks and risk reversing a decision, possibly a positive decision, that was already made? Is it worth it??? We have 6 days left!!!


it’s just how some of us like to pass the time, that’s all; at least instead of playing warframe or some ■■■■ all day, im researching a lot more about uni and campus life

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You are entirely right, I declare from here on out I will no longer be checking the housing portal until decisions come out. The waiting is just driving us all crazy it seems.


From someone that got in during ED II none of the indicators you have been talking about are the same as the past years. The whole waitlist thing isn’t real. The only one that has worked in the past years are the no application which indicated acceptance. A lot of people ED II emailed nyu so nyu most likely got rid of it.


Wait sorry for the portal astrology question but can someone explain the stern email thing? I have no changes in my portal, but when I type in netid@stern.nyu.edu I get redirected to the stern email login. Does that mean anything?

could any of these mean spring admit?

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What does this mean?

Summer 2021
Please select a site if you are applying to live in NYU housing and are not part of an NYU academic program (e.g. CAS Summer in London):

Available Sites
Select Site

NYU New York
NYU Abu Dhabi

Academic Year 2021-2022

Term Classification
New York City
Waitlist Undergraduate

Image linked right here: imgur. com/a/IlbujHg