NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Stern applicants, can you please try this and let us know what happens?

Go to gmail.com and in the email address, enter (yournetid)@stern.nyu.edu

Your net id is listed in your portal

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hi, my daughter applied to meyers. still has 2 buttons.

she got accepted last year but declined. any idea what her chances are of getting accepted again this year?

As far as submitted documents are concerned. Do you all have green checks next to recommendations and grades etc.?

I get redirected to a separate email login page for stern

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i kind of think this all baloney tbh (no offense to anyone)

my “negative” indicator just switched to the “positive” one this morning so???

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i used to have one button with spring and summer and now i have one button with just summer???

I have a gray check for standardized tests and it says waived. Everything else is a green check

are there any portal changes for international students?

Do you have any buttons?

Portal looks exactly the same as it always has. Nothing has changed.

I’m a little confused. Does this mean I go to my own gmail account and put in my (yournetid)@stern.nyu.edu and then hit send? Or is this another application I’m unaware of? Thanks!

Login to the stern email as if you are logging into any gmail account. If it redirects you to a stern page, apparently you have been accepted.

yall chill :sob:


I have one button + summer only, looks like bad news:)

ughhh I have two boxes + both spring and summer

we in the same boat

where do you see the spring, Summer stuff? Housing portal?

I have two buttons and summer. what does that mean

Summer only and two buttons?