NYU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

We cant figure it out so I give up man


What? Try harder. :rofl: I kidding.

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there are too many different “indicators” so imma just have to wait for 31


I see. They are trying to stump us.

I think the only real indicator we have is the email one at this point

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i can


Lol yeah

I’m guessing 1 button + summer only at this point is likely not acceptance bc a majority of people seem to have 1 button + summer only. Just speculation (this is also what I have).

I still have two buttons…

Can you do the trick to get the academic year thing? Most people who have both summer and academic year had to do a trick to access it. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, directions are in the thread somewhere.

idk if I want to do that…they can see everything you do and clicking “access application” seems like one of those things they can see. Just don’t want to get rescinded. I can wait 5 days.

Is it safe to just simply log into the housing portal main page without starting any application? :frowning:

Good idea tbh, a lot smarter than I am lol

That’s probably safe

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Thanks! Best of luck


Do you think they would acfually rescind offers??

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That happened in 2005… and those people were physically hacking into the Harvard website. Its totally different and irrelevant from what we are doing because we’re just viewing the housing portal :man_facepalming: