NYU Deferred/Waitlisted 2025

It seems so, at least a year.

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There hasnā€™t been any Stern or CAS indicators or decisions here right?

No there have not

wait on my letter it says iā€™m admitted to the ā€˜liberal studies programā€™ for those admitted today did they get the same message in their letter??

Do u guys think that there r gonna be more spring admits. Idk cause Iā€™m not a competitive applicant and if spring admits r gone idk if there is rlly a chance for me to get off the waitlist. My primary school vs tandon and my secondary was ls. I didnā€™t get in for ls today so Iā€™m just so worried

University of washington -seattle

is there an estimate for which day it might be next week?

Also Iā€™m planning on studying business/economics/entrepreneurship, I choose stern as first choice and CAS as second choice. What other school at NYU would also be good for my interest? (Should I submit another form adding on a additional school or not because I saw earlier that they might only read the most recent form so I donā€™t want to put what I put for my last form again in case they think itā€™s repetition).

The wait is not over!! There is still hope for us to get off. I personally believe that those who were admitted submitted their form early. I submitted mine on April 25th and was not surprised at all that I got nothing. For those submitted, when did you submit your waitlist form? I personally believe that time played a part in selecting since there are many students on the waitlist. I donā€™t expect them to read over 10k (my estimate) applications in less than a week.

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I really donā€™t think the date of when you submit the form affects anything


I remember from a post earlier someone emailed NYU and they said they read the earliest forms so if anything the people who submitted their forms the lastest would be admitted first. But I honestly donā€™t think NYU would care if u submitted it on March 31st or May 1st

If the waitlist isnā€™t ranked, then the time of submitting the waitlist form shouldnā€™t be a factor


Do you mean latest forms? I think I know what post you talked about. And yeah I agree with your last point

submitted it on april 7 also i think they r rolling out spring admits first n smaller schools

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Yeah but ppl who didnā€™t even have ls as their primary interest go in for it and as a spring admit. That means u have to be rlly competitive to get in now

My friend just got off for LS program and also spring and after 5k aid it costs him 80g. He isnā€™t going. Today was all spring admits for LS pretty much!!!

No, they put LS as an area of study they are interested in on the form. So did my friendā€¦

Yeah, the phone call from yesterday looking like reality

The spring admits maybe didnā€™t put LS as their first choice but if you put it as ur second or third they will consider you for it so I donā€™t see the problem


I completely agree. Everyone that got off for LS today knew that on the form it states that they would like to be considered for LS in other areas of interest other than primary! Well said! They filled out that they would like to be considered for it ,so they were.

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