NYU ED I Class of 2025

any idea about cas?

someone on reddit said “i’d say around 1500 applicants for 250 spots at Tandon” but i don’t know where they got that info

edit: they might have been referring to stern, they didn’t specify but it was in a thread about individual school acceptance rates. i’m pretty sure stern has more than 1500 applicants so i’m gonna assume the redditor was referring to tandon

Is gallatin competitive in its seats?

the 250/1500 response was for Stern

anyone else applying to steinhardt? applied psychology there even?

I applied to the GPH/Applied Psych combined major!

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i applied to steinhardt ed studies – luckily i think steinhardt is one of the less competitive schools (aside from the mcc major)!


thanks for clarifying! 1500 seems like such a low number for stern…

Ooh I applied for the GPH/Science major! Freaking out though :slight_smile:

Any sociology majors?

Any econ majors?

how about cas??

any collaborative arts majors?

I believe Stern accepts 600 students every year according to their website

Anyone applying neural sciences at CAS?
I’ve never been more nervous in my life

hooooooowwwwww muchhhhhhh moreeee tiiiiiimmmmeeeeeee can they like hurry up ffs

Gallatin isn’t competitive in seats but more competitive in the sense that there’s a low # of applicants applying for a little number of seats. Not sure where I saw this but someone on the NYU Reddit said the class size at gallatin as a whole was like 250-300 students. The total # of applicants is unknown, but it seems to be more than 1,000. Again, not sure if these numbers are accurate. Hopefully those of us that applied to gallatin (6-10 of us it seems) will be rewarded for our commitment to a smaller school at NYU!


Its doesn’t come out in waves. People confused it with the nyu law students (a grad school) which does come out in waves. Undergrad though comes out at the same time for everyone

Anyone know how many seats for Steinhardt?

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