NYU EDII Core Liberal Studies worth it?

Hi everyone,

I’ve been reading the threads on this forum for some time but haven’t seen anything that would clear up the reality of admission into the Core Liberal Studies Program. I’m on the fence of applying early decision round 2 to NYU’s Core LSP. I’d like to maximize my chances of getting in hence I’m applying early. I do think that if I apply early to another university entirely I will have a better shot of getting in but can’t asses the reality of being admitted to the core program (which is my ultimate preference), and if it’s a risk I shouldn’t take.

Thoughts on my chances would be appreciated :slight_smile:

-white female from the northeast
-parents did not finish college
-SAT: 1200 (also waiting for November results)
-3 APs (3s and 4)
GPA: 3.7
-strong essays and why NYU

Given my stats is it this too big of a risk to apply ED2 and pass up applying early decision (round 1) to another university to which I think I’ll have a 50% shot at being admitted? Hard to comb through the stats for the Core program across the different admissions cycles and come to a conclusion here. I was going to list Steinhardt as my second choice, as well.

Any feedback is welcomed :slight_smile: