NYU Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Ohhhhh I only have “summer 2022”

hope my housing page will change later


It’s OK. It may change…(or it may mean absolutely nothing) but the point is that changes are occurring.

mine still says summer 2022 only

Exactly. I mean if be could argue that no new applicants (admitted or otherwise) should have Spring since that housing cycle closed in December!! Good to see changes are being made after the one button thing because pretty much all the rest of the astrology relies in the fact that one button means everything for you is completed and “indicators” are final.

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My change shows that it is not FINAL after ONE BUTTON. “Indicators” are CHANGING AFTER you have ONLY ONE BUTTON. It did for me—so, yes, it is not final!!!


same; hoping this isn’t a bad sign :frowning:

I absolutely do not think it is a bad sign. I do not think what I have is a good sign either. I think we all don’t really know anything at this point. Playing portal astrology is just a good way to disprove or maybe affirm some statements :slight_smile: This will be helpful for others in our boat next year.

YALL I dont know what this means when I click academic year its showing this: and not only spring. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE THIS??


This is what I have. It went from just showing spring to academic year.

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Most likely a good sign!

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So is it one button = acceptance and two buttons = rejection?

Which college did you apply to?

Steinhardt, what about you?

Tandon lol

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Do you only have summer only?

Tisch applicant - one button, summer only.
Curious if any other Tisch folk out there w recent changes to portal(s)

When yall go to

Do you see:

Please select the appropriate application from above.

  • For Fall and Spring applications - select Academic Year Application.
  • For Summer applications - select Summer Housing Application.

However, I don’t actually see the academic year application. Is this good or bad? Im pretty sure yesterday I saw departure/arrival hub instead of academic year.

tisch applicant also - one button, summer + academic year (waitlist undergraduate)

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i cant even login through this link