I really, really want to do the GLS program, but my parents are not 100% on board. To them, it is not a “real degree”. Do any of you know if it’s possible to double major with GLS? Does anyone have first hand experience with this? I know the program is relatively young and small, but any advice would be much appreciated.
For ex: since GLS is a part of cas, would I be able to double major in computer science?
Thank you 
I’m also interested in GLS, but I also want to do premed. From what I’ve gathered it seems like GLS would be a hard thing to double major with. I think I’d be looking at 5 years of school if I do it, not that that’s a deterrent for me. The chance to study abroad twice is not something I’m going to pass up.
Good luck! 
You cannot “double major” within GLS - for example 2 concentrations. However, you can absolutely get a GLS major in the concentration of your desires and a CAS major. For example, my daughter is doing GLS with the concentration “Politics, Rights and Development” and a CAS major in Philosophy. This is done all the time. NOTE: GLS you would most likely study abroad and the city/country of your choice may not offer your CAS major courses at a particular location. For instance, my daughter did her first year in London, will be in NYC this year (sophomore year) and for Junior year Paris is the only location offering the courses necessary to meet the CAS Philosophy major. Hope this helps!