NYU Global Studies Program

<p>I am seriously considering applying to NYU's Global Liberal Studies Program, which is an off-shoot of the Liberal Studies Program - the only differences being that you can apply directly to GLS, as opposed to being referred to LS; and there's obviously a focus on global culture (literature, history, social sciences, etc) in GLS.</p>

<p>As the Liberal Studies Program is one that you are referred to if you are still a desirable NYU student, just not up to the standards of CAS, is GLS similar in that the standards are lower?</p>

<p>I'm not asking this simply as a "I'll apply anywhere to get in" thing, I really do want to go to NYU and GLS is a perfect fit for me, seeing as how I'd probably be studying languages or international studies in CAS anyway. All I'm asking is whether I should bother with ED if GLS is actually extremely selective.</p>

<p>Yes, can anyone give more information about these programs?

<p>I’m applying to GLS!</p>