<p>I am a sophomore Nursing student at NYU. I spent my freshman year at the University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing, completing the following courses: 2 semesters of
Anatomy and Physiology (with labs), 1 semester of chemistry (including
general chemistry, bio-chemistry, and organic chemistry), 1 semester of
microbiology, and several other nursing related courses. My cumulative
GPA at Pitt was 3.97. I have decided that I want to go to medical
school post undergraduate school and would like to get on a pre-health
track. This past semester at NYU I have completed Statistics, Nutrition, and two liberal arts courses. I want to go on the pre-med route, but I will be a junior next fall. Is it too late to switch to a pre-med track? I did very well in Anatomy and Physiology and Microbiology- it came to me very easily- but chemistry gives me a very hard time. Any advice?</p>
<p>Some possible bad news…</p>
<p>Your Pitt nursing program science classes may not be acceptable to medical school admissions committees. (Probably true of NYU’s nursing coursework also, but I can’t find the course list to compare…)</p>
<p>Pitt offers special “nursing” versions of microbiology, A&P with NURS course prefixes and your gen chem (CHEM 0910 Chemistry for the Health Professions) is not the same class that LAS majors take (CHEM 0110, 0120, or 0710, 0720 - General Chemistry I and II). Unfortunately the nursing version classes are not typically acceptable for med school admissions. </p>
<p>Rule of thumb:for med school admissions, unless your science classes are the same courses a science major would take, then that course is probably not going to be valid for med school admissions. (IOW, you need the microbiology class a bio or chem major would take–not a the one a nursing student would.)</p>
<p>What does this mean? You need to go talk with the pre med advisor at NYU and ask. You may need to re-take those courses in the College of Arts & Sciences if you want to apply to med school.</p>