<p>so... basically whats in the title.
Major: Pre-med, but i know its not a major so i can major in anything (prob bio though..), I just have to take the med school prerequisites. </p>

<p>So what do you think? Where should I go???</p>

<p>NYU poly is mostly an engineering school, isn’t it? Rutgers is a fairly good school for pre-med from what I understand. </p>

<p>No idea about the other 2 though.</p>

<p>Yeah, I don’t think NYU-Poly is the best school for a pre-med major. . .</p>

<p>from what i understand, NYU poly at face value is an engineering school, but alot of people don’t know that it is also great at other sciences. NYU said that based on my academic interests, they wanted my to go to poly so I think that it is a pretty good school for sciences. I mean, I could do biomolecular engineering or something, right? </p>

<p>oh, and missamericanpie, I know that you are sortof the “cc celeb” here and you go to nyu, so do you know what the relationship between nyu and nyu poly is? I know that we can use nyu’s library and other facilities and stuff but do you know anyone there? and i’ve never really been to brooklyn, I love manhattan and i’ve heard great things about nyu. Is brooklyn safe? Does if have the new york city vibe that i love?
And btw, i am SO jealous that you go there, i wish i got into NYU CAS, but ill take NYU POLY! haha it sounds like they are working really hard to get it to become another one of nyu’s college.</p>

<p>I’ll tell you now, I personally don’t know anyone at poly. I’ve never been to poly for anything, and will never have to go to brooklyn.</p>

<p>I actually do work at NYU-Poly so I’m there really often. </p>

<p>The merger JUST happened, so a lot of things are still up in the air. I hang out with grad students, so I can’t speak of the actual student body. To be honest, it’s not in a fantastic part of Brooklyn- Borough Hall isn’t as hip and happening as Greenwich Village or even Park Slope or Williamsburg. You will definitely miss the “campus” that NYU had. If that’s a dealbreaker for you, run, don’t look back, and go to one of the other colleges. </p>

<p>If you really love NYU-Poly ON IT’S OWN, go to Poly accepted students day and walk around. If you think it’s going to be NYU-lite, think again. It still stands alone on a lot of things, and it’s a school in transition. </p>

<p>Don’t go to Poly because you think it will be like NYU. Go to Poly because you like Poly.</p>

<p>And “awwwwww” at the “CC celeb” remark. You have no idea how weird it is to be standing outside Bobst and see groups of admissions tourists walk by. I think to myself, “If they go on CC, they’ve probably read something I’ve written.” Weird thoughts, lol.</p>