<p>SAT Reasoning: 2270
SAT 2 : 2380/2400
GPA: 4.33 (weighted)
Class Rank: 2/150
senior course load: 8 APs
International A levels 4 As
GCSE 11 As
ECs: Internship at DCD factors.
Internship at a business magazine
Varsity Golf and Soccer
Founder of High School Science Club
Member of Disciplinary Team
High School Math team captain
1st in Canadian Open Mathematics Challenge 2007 from South Asia
Selected for the National Math Olympiad
Earned an honor roll from the Canadian Math Society and an invitation to write the Canadian Math Olympiad.
President of two clubs at high school.
and a few more...
I am a permanent resident of US however my high school is in Pakistan.
Please chance me for Wharton, Stern and UVa (OOS).</p>
<p>I will definitely chance you back.
Thanks for reading!</p>
<p>I got into Stern ED, but it seems to me you can get into Wharton, Stern, and UVA. It's geniuses like you that are going to keep me from getting A's in my classes at Stern haha. Don't stress out.</p>
<p>Thanx 4 ur reviews i am grateful.
@Nirali Mag
Certainly not the kind of geniuses found at HYPSM threads...btw what is ur major and did u gt any aid from NYU
I hope I get lucky, Penn is the first choice.</p>
<p>Yes, well I really wanted to major in Actuarial Science, however, I changed my decision at the last moment because you have to take as many as 8 rigorous examinations just to become an Actuarial Fellow, and even then the pay is abysmal even though it was rated as one of the top occupations of the future by several authorative sources. Still, I decided to Double Major in Finance and International Business so I am nevertheless going to have a lot of work in the future to become successful. My dream is to become a CFO or at least an executive of some sorts; UAE, Qatar, and Kuwait are amongst my top choices because I am learning Arabic. As far as Financial Aid goes, I do not know yet, however, my parent's cumulative salary is around 80K, and our EFC is about 15,000 so I am excepting at least 20 in Need and ( I am praying to god haha) at least 10 in Merit, although if you check my stats in my previous threads, I need Stern more than Stern needs me hahaha. If you want Wharton, then apply ED, if not you are probably going to have a difficult time getting in unhooked. Good luck bhai.</p>
Thanx, I hope your need is met fully eventhough its NYU. I have already applied RD to these places. Goodluk for your professional goals too.</p>