NYU Stern vs. Penn State Smeal

<p>Accepted to both. Which one is a better deal taking into account the cost of tuition.</p>

<p>NYU Stern: approximately $55,000 per year ( I would need loans of about $30,000)</p>

<p>Penn State Smeal: approximately $30,000 per year</p>

<p>Will the "prestige of NYU" pay off in the long run? And how much debt is too much debt?</p>

<p>30k in loans each year is about 6 times the amount of debt that is reasonable. There is no college or university on the planet that is worth that kind of debt. Period. Too much debt is anything more than what you can take in Stafford Loans. Four years of Stafford Loans don’t add up to 30k!</p>

<p>What would your debt load be like at Penn State? Is it truly your most affordable option of all? Do you have an in-state option where you live?</p>

<p>Any other choices? Neither is worth the cost, unless money is no object.</p>

<p>I go to Penn State and I can tell you that Smeal is highly regarded, both inside and outside of Penn State. It is a fantastic business program, no doubt. That extra $25k is so not worth it.</p>