NYU Waitlist 2024

Anyone waitlisted ED1 who hasn’t heard back?

Higher ranking doesn’t automatically mean harder to get into… as you can see. (There’s another dude somewhere who got rejected a whole bunch of places but got into MIT.) And per discussion above CAS is probably single digit admit rate. Can you point me to Notre Dame admit rate also, as latest I can see on their website works out to 15.8% https://admissions.nd.edu/apply/

On another thread you said your son SAT was 1500 I thought? Anyway the only high likelihood is above 75th percentile, not median, and then added of course NYU is holistic so even that is still not “certain” because it’s not just mechanical on scores. Maybe your son was a more obvious match for the notre dame class profile than NYU, or he was too similar to others already accepted at NYU and that’s why he was waitlisted (not rejected).

Maybe they viewed him as a candidate that would likely not accept admission to the school. I am aware of students accepted to Brown and Cornell that got waitlisted at Brandeis. Admissions wants students that will accept.

I just got into Steinhardt today and was waitlisted ED1.

@SJ2727 since you want to be technical he got a 1520.

Then they would probably have rejected him outright, not waitlisted imo. His stats sound in line with admitted, not way above which is where yield protection comes in. I think they probably just had enough of his stats/demographic doing the same major already and if others turn it down he’ll get the offer.

Cornell seems to accept a lot of people that others waitlist. Last year I knew someone who got into Cornell but was waitlisted at UCSD (in state for California). Stats were not fantastic automatic ivy type, either. Go figure…

the wait for this second wave is gonna be brutal it was hard enough waiting for today

Has every school been sent out? Or were only some schools today? I’m a little confused

me! I am waitlisted for CAS


I applied ED1 steinhardt! haven’t heard back

Any internationals accepted off waitlist for CAS today?

Accepted from waitlist today, I am an RD applicant in computer science from Massachusetts. I wrote an loci in an email, but I will not be attending.

SAT 1550 (800 Math)
Subject Tests, Math 2 and Chemistry (Both 800’s)
3.73 UW GPA, 4.4 Weighted, 6 APS, 2 Honors
My ecs were very good, lots of stem focused stuff. Plus a Varsity sport that was the north state champions for two years, prob this year too if it wasn’t cancelled for covid.
Wrote an essay in supplement about how Manhattan environment can be used in data collection for Machine learning.

Good luck to everyone, hope people who want to get in more get off the WL.

Edit: College of Arts and Sciences

When did all of the accepted submit the first waitlist form? I submitted mine 4-10. My friend who got off submitted on the day decisions came out

same as my son. He applied for computer science. Did your acceptance letter say computer science? My son’s letter only say "On behalf of the admissions committee, it is my honor and privilege to share with you that you have
been admitted to College of Arts and Science at New York University, and the NYU Class of 2024.
Congratulations! "
How to @NormalCSMajor?

thank you, all the best for your son!

same as my son. He applied for computer science. Did your acceptance letter say computer science? My son’s letter only say "On behalf of the admissions committee, it is my honor and privilege to share with you that you have
been admitted to College of Arts and Science at New York University, and the NYU Class of 2024.
Congratulations! "

@breadlover Congrats, Still waiting, Applied ED1

Is there a possibility that waves come out with focus on specific schools? Anyone get into SPS?

@UCLAParent123 yes applied ED1 for Gallatin and still waiting. So stressed.