Oberlin (Humanities, not Con) vs. Kenyon

<p>I need some input regarding the pros/cons of each these schools in comparison to each other. I have my own ideas, but would like to hear from other people. Have read the brochures and websites. Visit to both this coming weekend. </p>

<p>Thanks so much for responding to this. Please indicate how/where you formed your opinions, etc. For example, it would be good for me to know that you attended Oberlin, but have heard about Kenyon from friends, rumor, etc. </p>

<p>Thank you for your response. I have read all the Obie blogs, and the place sounds fantastic. But I suspect that the bloggers may not be a representative sample, IYKWIM.</p>

<p>It’s no question. Oberlin all the way. The one good thing i saw about Kenyon was a great athletic facility. Otherwise, from what I’ve read and researched, Oberlin is the stronger school, especially academically. Their Humanities/Sciences are really strong. Besides, Oberlin is like an actual town even if theres not MUCH to do. Someone told me Gambier is like… a post office and a cvs. thats it.
idk, i think you’d have a better time at oberlin.</p>

<p>I’ve heard really positive things about Kenyon. Differences:

  • Kenyon is smaller and has fraternities. Less activist.
  • Oberlin doesn’t have frats, but does have co-ops. And a conservatory. And an art museum.</p>

<p>Then again, I’m an Oberlin student, so I’m really happy where I am. I love my classes, I love my school.</p>

<p>I can’t pretend not to be biased–I went to Oberlin. But my sense has always been that Kenyon is much preppier than Oberlin. Also, Oberlin’s student body is much more diverse geographically than Kenyon’s: only 9% of Oberlin students come from Ohio, vs. 17% at Kenyon. And the presence of the Conservatory at Oberlin has a huge effect on campus culture. </p>

<p>I suspect that when you visit you’ll get a very clear sense of the many differences, so that you’ll be able to determine which you prefer.</p>

<p>Correction: There isn’t even a CVS in Gambier (Kenyon). There is a local market, said to be decent.</p>

<p>In fairness, Mt. Vernon is a fairly large town/small city, and it is a ten minute car ride away. I didn’t consider Gambier as isolated as people make it seem, and I’m from a certain city on the Ohio river with a 700,000 population. </p>

<p>Kenyon seemed “preppier” a la American Eagle, if that makes since. Not Abercrombie preps at all. Lot’s of earth-toned sweater. Kenyon has frats, and also has what is rumored to be an… active drinking scene. (As a teetotaler, I’m inherently biased against alcohol, granted). Kenyon seemed more “peaceful” though, and kinda focused on academics in a way.</p>

<p>Oberlin actually seemed more diverse than you would think… as in a saw a handful of jocks and Abercrombie preps. But definitely an artsy, activist vibe, just not as extreme as its reps. No frats, and while drinking seemed “out in the open,” it seemed like that helped it from becoming a problem. Co-ops could get fratty, but I don’t think nearly like you’d expect.</p>

<p>I’m a current senior who visited and interviewed at both Oberlin and Kenyon. I ultimately applied ED to Kenyon, and I will be attending this fall.</p>

<p>I plan to major/minor in chemistry and biology, and I felt the science programs are stronger at Kenyon. Kenyon’s biology department (and every aspect of collegiate life for that matter) seems more intimate. I talked with a few biology majors, and it seemed like the norm for students to have their professor’s number on speed dial. I’m sure the same is true to some extent at Oberlin, but I think Kenyon’s location encourages interactions with professors outside of the classroom more so than Oberlin. I also liked Kenyon’s science facilities more.</p>

<p>I thought long and hard about applying ED to both Kenyon and Oberlin, but ultimately I felt the quality of life and the sense of community were greater at Kenyon–both of which are very important to me. I walked through Oberlin’s campus and felt very disconnected. It just seemed like a lot of wanna-be hipsters who were too cool to take the time out of their day to say “hey” to someone. </p>

<p>I would also say alcohol consumption is greater at Kenyon, but drug consumption is probably higher at Oberlin. Just my opinion.</p>

<p>I know nothing about Kenyon, except that it had a literary journal, but the title of this thread is revealing: “Humanities, not Con” vs. Kenyon. Isn’t that missing one of the main points about Oberlin that distinguishes it from Kenyon? It isn’t Humanities, not Con, but Humanities AND Con, AND Allen Art Museum. For example, there is an upcoming 2 day symposium on World War I next month, in which there is a 2 day conference in the history department, with guests from colleges around the country (including Yale, Penn, Kenyon, among others), and a music recital with faculty and student performers playing the music of that period, and an art exhibit at the Allen Art Museum with art of the period. Few liberal arts colleges could pull off something like this. So that is one distinguishing feature of Oberlin. As to hipsters, there are hipsters, athletes, musicians, and every other kind of person at Oberlin; the coops are like fraternities or Princeton eating clubs only in the sense that they consist of groups of people who live and eat together – there is no hazing or “bickering” involved.</p>

<p>I think that Kenyon is very very normal and very very nice. And I think that Oberlin is extraordinary (and very very nice). I mean, I’m biased. I do go to Oberlin. But I think that the presence of the Con and the highly motivated extremely interesting individuals on this campus create an atmosphere in which there is always something new going on and someone new to talk to. Even the uber bros here are often up for a conversation with strangers about the true purpose of language at four in the morning on North Quad. People just have a lot to say, and are psyched about what they get to learn.
And I think that Kenyon is full of smart, nice people.<br>
Oh, and academically, we have phenomenal religion, history, environmental science, creative writing, english, african american studies departments. oh, and my friend is double majoring in physics and creative writing and says that the physics department is wonderful.
I mean, I think that Oberlin does have a better academic reputation, and that combined with our proximity to Cleveland means that we attract a lot of accomplished academics and artists and activists to the campus. Ugh, it’s just the best.
And yeah, hipsters suck, but only if you let them.</p>

<p>I think that Kenyon is very very normal and very very nice. And I think that Oberlin is extraordinary (and very very nice). I mean, I’m biased. I do go to Oberlin. But I think that the presence of the Con and the highly motivated extremely interesting individuals on this campus create an atmosphere in which there is always something new going on and someone new to talk to. Even the uber bros here are often up for a conversation with strangers about the true purpose of language at four in the morning on North Quad. People just have a lot to say, and are psyched about what they get to learn.
And I think that Kenyon is full of smart, nice people.<br>
Oh, and academically, we have phenomenal religion, history, environmental science, creative writing, english, african american studies departments. oh, and my friend is double majoring in physics and creative writing and says that the physics department is wonderful.
I mean, I think that Oberlin does have a better academic reputation, and that combined with our proximity to Cleveland means that we attract a lot of accomplished academics and artists and activists to the campus. Ugh, it’s just the best.
And yeah, hipsters suck, but only if you let them.</p>

<p>Thanks for your responses.</p>

<p>Our impressions after visiting both: Oberlin is just awesome. So many fun unique things about it. DD adored the art museum. Very nurturing information session. Great tour. Charmed by the city-town of Oberlin.</p>

<p>Kenyon’s campus is impressive. I had the flu the day we were there. Didn’t do the tour. It was Saturday. Pierce is great. If DD gets accepted, we will have to revisit before deciding.
DD loved the interviewer–a senior student. Around Gambier we are talking some serious farm country.</p>

<p>DD says it would be a hard choice between the two. It would be wonderful if she has the opportunity to have to choose between them! If so, lots would depend on FA package.</p>

<p>I really want to go to Oberlin, but I have just received a FULL SCHOLARSHIP to kenyon. and its looking better and better. It reminds me of harry potter. I LOVE harry potter.</p>

<p>this is going to be hard… i cant imagine oberlin giving me so much money when they had the opportunity to give me a full ride in the college match for questbridge.