<p>... g. washington, vassar, skidmore, middlebury</p>
<p>if anyone goes to one of them, or has visited, or even heard of them, i really need information about these schools.
the campus, the ppl, social life, classes, anything! </p>
<p>i havnt been able to visit so i really want to get an idea on how they're like</p>
<p>Very different schools… I suggest you go to college confidential’s main page and read visit reports. </p>
<p>Some little things that might help you:</p>
<p>Oberlin, Vassar, Skidmore, Middlebury-- are small schools, more secluded than your other choices. Oberlin and Vassar both have a reputation for students that are quite left of mainstream so they’re places where you might have a higher chance of seeing pink hair, poka dotted stockings with checkered shirts. Oberlin has a conservatory so if music is important to you, it stands out among your choices. Vassar has an open curriculum so there are few general requirements. Vassar is about 2 hours from NYC on train but the actual town is quite depressing. (We actually saw an attempted carjacking when we visited.) On the other hand, Skidmore is further away from NYC (maybe 4 hours or so?) but it’s in a cute little town and the bus takes kids to the mall. I understand Middlebury is the most remote of your options. (I haven’t visited.)</p>
<p>GW and Hopkins are in large cities. GW has no campus of its own. If you have health issues or prefer to be in a major city, one of these two options may serve you well. Hopkins is, of course, known for its sciences. GW has a large international population and significant communities of Arab, Jewish, Indian students. </p>
<p>Syracuse-- I have not visited. Syracuse is a smaller city and the school is known for its television journalism program and its sports.</p>
<p>How did you pick those 7 schools? They are quite different from each other. I’m just wondering what is your perspective and what you’re looking for. There is plenty of basic information about each of them already on this site and elsewhere on the web.</p>
<p>Johns Hopkins, George Washington, and Syracuse are private research universities. They have graduate schools in addition to undergraduate programs. They are located in urban areas. Johns Hopkins is the most selective of these 3. It has the largest level of research expenditures per student of any school in the nation. It has a number of outstanding programs/departments including International Relations, English/Creative Writing, and Computer Science. Its hospital system is world famous; many students are attracted to its demanding pre-med program.</p>
<p>Middlebury, Vassar, Oberlin and Skidmore are private liberal arts colleges (smaller than the universities, and focused on undergraduate education). They are in rural or small city/town environments. Middlebury is the most selective of these 4. It’s especially well known for foreign language instruction.</p>
<p>Well, i intend to major in international relations, my sat scores are low (1750) so most of these are reaches. My college list is really long (19) so I need to cut down a few, but I dont know how to decide…</p>
<p>I dont have a specific idea on what kind of college i’d like to attend
I want a nice campus, either in a big city or small town, no preference as long as I like the campus.
I do want to have something to do on my free time, on or off campus, but im not into the huge party schools.
Brown is a dream school, so i’d like something similar, open curriculum, laid back, but good academics</p>
<p>You’d want SATs approaching 2100 to be competitive at some of these schools (Brown, Hopkins, Middlebury, maybe Vassar and Oberlin too). AU is a good suggestion, but your SATs would be on the lower edge of its median band (something like 1800-2000) so I’d say it’s a reach.</p>