***October 2016 ACT Thread***

@TheBoy6 you are 2 hours behind central time. They should be out at 10pm your time.

@derpro there’re no promises. The first round comes out at in 10 hours. You’ll most likely be in it.

@SRKISTHEGOAT from what I read, it will be released at 1:00 am EST, therefore, in your case, it will likely be “today” if you already have “tested”.

FINALLY says tested, in NJ

@Jpgranier Thanks, sorry I got mixed up I was referring to 3 hours behind Eastern time.

Tested - IL

Still says “Print Ticket”. D got her scores 2.5 weeks after initial release for September test; hope that isn’t the case again. She’s hoping to have these scores before she presses “send” on her CSU mentor apps (the application for California State universities).

tested - Ohio. first initial j, last initial g

Changed to Tested around 2:00 eastern time- new york

Tested! California.

One of my D’s ACT’s was delayed for weeks, it only appeared after it went to tested. Prior to that it always said registered.

Tested in CA. In September my daughter didn’t receive her scores for a full week after the first batch was released. It said registered every time we checked until the following Wednesday. Feeling hopefully she will receive her scores tonight!

Mine also changed to tested. It’s the same rodeo as the last one, and it will certainly be the same for the next one.
You all will be very pleasantly surprised with your test scores, I know it!(If the last thread was any indicator, the ones who seemed the most nervous ended up having the best scores).

Blessed be the curve.

@AGoodFloridian how I sooooo hope you are right!!! Blessed be the curve :slight_smile:

@AGoodFloridian yeah I wouldn’t be so sure about that…

I heard that the math section has a really generous curve. Any news on science? That’s the one I’m most worried about lol

@lhw1998 ^^^where did you hear about the curve for Math?

@annamom Some people on reddit were talking about it. Apparently if you sent your scores to colleges you can see them through your portal

I have never been more stressed about a test before! I literally need one more point but my last time taking it my score went down!

Last time I was really stressed and then I was disappointed, so this time I’m going to try to chill

@lhw1998 if people can see the score through the portal, I do not think they knew for sure how many they got wrong.