Anyone’s status page change to “Tested” ? Should be happening soon.
@STEM2017 The first scores will not be release until 11/8, so it might be awhile before status’s start to change to tested.
@uwalummom Wow, thanks. Usually 10 days after.
@STEM2017 I know…it’s very disappointing to have to wait an extra week - especially at this time of year.
Does anybody know if students who get extra time or other accommodations are included in the curve?
@Rollout Why not? If they have the same test?
We should’ve gotten our scores at midnight tonight… major let down
Perhaps this is a main testing date for a lot of schools so they need more time for the large amount of test takers
@Jpgranier No, scores aren’t released until 11/8. The reason they take so long is because they want to give you your scores after regular registration has passed so they can get more money if you take it again.
The scores are released four days after the normal registration’s deadline. What a funky coincidence, huh? $o $trange.
I’m applying as a transfer student so my college application deadlines are a little later. I’ll still have two more shots (December and February) to get a decent score on this test.
@AGoodFloridian are you trying to transfer out of UF? I remeber watchinf the uf class of 2019 thread and you were basically the leader.
Man I just want to know if this act is a L for me. I trained hard to get +30 but on test day I felt lost. Like on reading I skimmed a lot and was still rushed on timing. I hope that we all did well
Nerves flying high waiting on the scores for this act.
I’m going to take a huge L on the math and science sections, but I think I did well on a reading and English (as someone who’s majoring in math, I never thought I’d say that)
I have a theory on why it is taking a week longer to release scores: the ACT is testing new questions (the math section in particular) and needs more time to create the curve for the test. Afterall, this is the only test date all year that takes an extra week, and the November test date, to my knowledge, usually does not have a lot of testers.
I’m also waiting for my scores! I’m planning on scoring at least a 27+. When do we get our scores?!
TBH I feel really good about the Math and Reading section. Not too sure about English and Science LOL
Speller95 hit the answer spot on. At the end of the day, ACT is a business. A late registration is 27.50 extra for no extra work on ACT’s part
Also @STEM2017 What if our status hasn’t changed to Tested?
@STEM2017 Is that bad??
@UCBoundKid The Tested status change doesn’t happen until a day or two before release date. STEM2017 only said that because the scores on a normal test would be released today, but we will have to wait another week.